News Category: Human Rights

GCERF visited YPSA CEVEC Project activities
Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) team consist of Lilla Schumicky Logan, Grants Officer, GCERF and Marine Shahbaji visited different activities of YPSA CEVEC project on 11th November, 2017…

YPSA to establish Age-friendly Spaces for elderly Rohingyas
To respect, promote and ensure the human rights of aged Rohingya people who fled to Bangladesh due to persecution against Rohigya Muslim in Myanmar, YPSA is going to establish two…

Community Dialogue on the Right to Information Act held at Sitakund
Community Dialogue on the Right to Information Act 2009 was held in the Sitakund District Council Auditorium on 6 November, 2017 arranged by YPSA led community radio Sagor Giri FM…

USAID General Counsel visits YPSA’s Counter Trafficking in Persons program
On 6th November, 2017, Mr. David Moore, General Counsel, USAID, Washington, USA visited ongoing activities of Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons (BC/TIP) Program which is being implemented by YPSA in Cox’s Bazar. He…

YPSA urges national and international organizations for humanitarian response to Rohingya refugee
Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive at YPSA urges government, all international NGOs, UN agencies and local organizations for humanitarian aid to Rohingya refugee in Bangladesh. Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar’s…

Media Briefing on the Baseline Survey and Project Progress of Fairer Labor Migration
YPSA organized a media briefing on the outcome of baseline survey of Fairer Labor Migration on 29 October 29, 2017 at Saffon Restaurant in Chittagong. Different Print and Electronic media…

Training on “Homestead vegetable gardening” for the people with disabilities
25 people with disabilities attended a 3-day training session on Homestead vegetable gardening organized by YPSA’s Inclusive Finance Program supported by PKSF. The training session was held at YPSA HRDC…

World White Cane Safety Day 2017 observed at Sitakund
The World White Cane Safety Day is celebrated every year on October 15 to highlight visually impaired people’s achievements and to remind people how white cane can play an important…

Rapid Need Assessment on elderly displaced Rohingya started
Since 25 August, renewed violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state has forced more than half a million men, women and children, to flee their homes to escape brutal crackdown by Myanmar…

Another 8500 displaced Rohingya families received food
YPSA has started food distribution among the persecuted & displaced new arrival unregistered Myanmar Nationals “displaced Rohingya” in Cox’s Bazar District in Bangladesh with the support of CONCERN WORLDWIDE. Each…

Women Friendly Space (WFS) for Rohingya establised
More than fifty percent of forcefully displaced persons of Rakhine state are women. Rohingya women, who were worst victims of the violence and the easy prey for the rioters and…

YPSA distributes food to 1200 Rohingya families
YPSA, with the support of Action Aid Bangladesh, has started food distribution among the displaced Rohingya people in Cox’sbazar. Each food package contains 4Kg Dal, 1 litter Oil, 1Kg Sugar…

Dignity kits distributed to displaced women who fled violence in Myanmar
YPSA and ActionaAid Bangladesh have come together with humanitarian response for forcefully displaced Myanmar citizen in Cox’s Bazar. Most of these displaced citizens are women. During the crackdown by the…

Food distribution continues to displaced Rohingya people
YPSA has been distributing emergency food to displaced Rohingya families since 20 September, 2017. Thousands of displaced Rohingyas who fled violence in Myanmar are now living in temporary shelters in…

YPSA observes International Day of Older Persons 2017
YPSA has organized rally, discussion meeting and friendly football match at Shekerhat High school of Sayedpur Union in Sitakund to mark the “International Day of Older Persons 2017” with support…

YPSA starts emergency food distribution to newly displaced Rohingya people
YPSA has started emergency food distribution to newly displaced Rohingya people who are living in a temporary shelter in Ukhia Upazila, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. New influx is around 500000 and…

An appeal to support Rohingya people with disabilities
Rohingya people with disabilities are in a vulnerable situation. It’s an international mandate by the United Nations Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) to ensure rights of Rohingya…

YPSA’s senior management team visits Rohingya refugee camps
YPSA’s senior management team led by Md. Arifur Rahman, chief executive of YPSA visited Rohingya refugee camps on 16 September, 2017 at Kutumpalong, Balukhali, Panbazar, Unchiprang under Cox’sbazar district. Rohingya…

ToT on Life Skill Education held at Chakaria
A tree-day ToT (Training of Trainers) workshop on Life Skill Education (LSE) to eliminate violent extremism was held at ICCDR,B Hall room at Chakaria under Cox’sBazar District. Students of different…

Director General and Deputy Director of NGO Affairs Bureau visit “Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Cox’s Bazar” program
Mr. Khondokar Raqibur Rahman, Director General and Mr. Shah Alam, Deputy Director of NGO Affairs Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh have visited different activities of YPSA CEVEC Consortium on 23rd…