News Category: Human Rights

2nd convention of the Self-Help Organizations of Person with Disabilities
Second Convention of the Self-Help Organizations of Person with Disabilities was organized by YPSA on November 22, 2008 with the prime objectives of strengthening the inter-relationship and networking among the…

Training on ICT for Visually Impaired Student of Dhaka University
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a driving force for economic and social development, and continue to spur the globalization process. However, benefits of ICT have spread unequally, especially…

Vashkar Bhattacharjee awarded by USTC and LPKS
On World White Cane Safety Day 2008, Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program Officer of YPSA was awarded by USTC and LPKS for his outstanding contribution for the development of persons with…

World White Cane Safety Day 08 observed
With the support of YPSA, a total of 30 self-help organizations for the persons with disabilities based on Shitakund observed World White Cane Safety Day 08 at Shitakund on 15…

YPSA join DAISY for all conference in Tokyo, Japan
DAISY for all conference in Tokyo Japan Mr. Vashkar bhattacharjee programme officer of YPSA and Focal person DAISY for all in Bangladesh have attendant in the Conference. The Conference was…

Workshop on” Capacity Building for Ensuring Safe Labour Migration” for the local leaders and Journalist
YPSA organized a workshop on Capacity Building for Ensuring Safe Labour Migration at Sitakund with the support of REFUGE AND MIGRATORY MOVEMENTS RESEARCH UNIT and MANUSHER JONNO FOUNDATION. Local leaders,…

Orientation for capacity building to protect woman from domestic violence
Master trainers of GFATM Project received orientation for capacity building to protect woman from domestic violence at YPSA’s HRDC on 27 July. The goal of this orientation was to raise voice…

Entrepreneur’s Development and Business Management training
The half of total population is woman in the society. There is no way to enhance economical development without woman empowerment. It is possible to reduce gender discrimination and empower…

High Commissioner Richardson distributing stickers to the rickshaw pullers
Reinforce this democratic process that will offer approximately 90 million eligible Bangladeshis a greater say in the decisions that affect their lives, a month long campaign to raise awareness about…

YPSA participated in the Third general assembly and conference of Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
YPSA participated in the Third general assembly and conference of Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF). The head of the caretaker government made the remarks while inaugurating the third general…

Royal Norwegian Embassy, Royal Danish Embassy and IOM Team visited YPSA PPVHT-B project
Bangladesh treated as a source and transit country for Human Trafficking. It is established by the various local and international reports. Every year many people include adolescent boys and girls…

First convention of the Self-Help Organizations of People with Disability, held at Sitakund
A day resonant by the gathering of over thousand people including 600 People with disability “First Convention of the Self-Help Organizations of People with Disability of Sitakund” was organized on…

Youth camp for the persons with disability
In every year, YPSA, with the support of Action Aid Bangladesh organizes Youth Camp to contribute youth people on social development and encourage them to make leadership spirit in their…

World Human Rights Day observed
Shipbreaking workers arranged Human Chain on the World Human Rights Day (10 December’07) in front of Chittagong Press Club with the support of YPSA and the workers also submitted memorandum,…

YPSA observed International Disability Day 2007
3rd December is International Disability Day. Day long program organized by Chittagong Society for the disabled and Department of Social Welfare of Bangladesh Gov. Colorful Rally, Day long Disability fair,…

Emotional Closing of Professional Development Training IRCD,YPSA
That is a closing ceremony of ‘ Professional Development Training, ” I am going to speak about.Reading everyone’s face & mind I find the same emotion though the near last…
Report on the ICT-Survey for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
We are delighted to announce that the report on the ICT-Survey conducted by Japanese society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities on behalf of UNESCAP has completed. YPSA participated on…

Birth registration in Free of cost by 2008
Bangladesh Government declares 3rd July ‘07 as National Birth Registration Day. The theme of the day was “Free of cost birth registration by 2008”. During the week, publicity in this…