Tag: LDP

Leaders Convention held at 17 Unions and 3 Upazila
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized 17 Unions and 3 Upzila Level Leaders Convention in Sitakund and Mirsarai upazila of Chittagong district and Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district during the month…

National Dialogue on “Development of Social Leadership at Local Level & Sustainable Development” held
“The country is moving forward. Despite many obstacles, our national GDP is around 6.5%. I think the growth will increase to 7 near future. Problems remain in the society, but the…

Round table meeting with Daily Prothom Alo held
Honesty is essential to a leader’s legitimacy, credibility, and ability to develop trust with followers. The society will be advanced with the proper guidance of hardworking and intelligence leaders by…

YPSA provides ICT training to 210 youth leaders in Ramu, Siakund and Mirsarai
YPSA’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) organized ICT training with the support of Counterpart International at three LDP working areas of Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong district. 210 youth leaders from Ramu,…

YPSA observes National Youth Day 2015
Bangladesh Government declared National Youth Day on 1st November. YPSA-Leadership Development Program (LDP) arranged different programs at Sitakund in Chittagong and Ramu in Cox’s Bazar during 1-2 November to mark the…

YPSA-Leadership Development Program team was awarded by Counterpart International
YPSA-Leadership Development Program (LDP) team participated in a 5-day TOT program at Hotel Sea Palace in Cox’s Bazar from 14 to 19, October 2015 organized by Counterpart International and funded…

YPSA successfully completed training workshop on “Appreciative Youth and Community Leadership” for the 60 batch trainees
YPSA-Leadership Development Program successfully completed training workshop on “Appreciative Youth and Community Leadership” for the 60 batches trainees from 05 July to 17 September, 2015 at different Upazilas of Chittagong…

7 union development forum established at Sitakund
YPSA formed 7 Union Development Forum at Muradpur, Banshbaria, Barabkunda, Barialdhala, Kumira, Sonaichari and Syedpur Union of Sitakund Upazila with the electoral process by the participation of respective union Youth…

10 orientation workshops on Leadership Development Program held at Cox’sbazar and Chittagong
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized 10 orientation workshops at 10 Union Parishad of Ramu Upazila under Cox’sbzar and Mirsarai Upazila under Chittagong district during 5-25 July 2015. The objectives of the…

Appreciative Youth Leadership Training in Mirsarai held
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized two 4-day training on Appreciative Youth at Saherkhali and Khayachara unions of MirsaraiUpazila, Chittagong on 25-28 July, 2015. Md. Nurul Mostafa, Union ParishadChariman of SaherkhaliUnionand Md. Jahid…

USAID team visits YPSA
A high official team from USAID visited YPSA-Leadership Development Program at Sitakund and Mirsarai Upazila from 6 to 8 July, 2015. The USAID team comprised of Ms. Sherina Tabassum, USAID…

Union Parishad Orientation on local leadership development held in Mirsarai
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized an Union Parishad Orientation for Local leadership development on July 5, 2015 at Khayachara Union of Mirsarai Upazila. Md. Jahaed Iqbal Chowdhury, Chairman of Khayachara Union…

Training on Youth and Community Leadership through Appreciative Inquiry held
YPSA-Leadership Development Program organized two 4-day training workshops on Youth and Community Leadership through Appreciative Inquiry, at two Unions of Mirsarai Upazila, Chittagong. During 5-8 July, 2015, the Community Leadership Training…

TOT on Appreciative Community and Youth Leadership held at Sitakund
YPSA organized a 3-day Training on Trainers (TOT) on Appreciative Community and Youth Leadership from 23 -25 June, 2015 at YPSA-HRDC Campus, Sitakund. Md. MahabuburRahaman, Director (Social Development) of YPSA…

Jesmin Akter of YPSA honored as “Joyeeta Woman”
Ms. Jesmin AKter, Program Officer of YPSA’s Leadership Development Program has been honored as “Joyeeta Woman” for her 20 years outstanding contribution on social development and human rights, in an…

LDP leaders participate in the coordination meeting with Govt. Officals
“Young generation is the best hope for making modern Bangladesh in future. So they should be well educated and well trained for getting employment opportunity. Leadership development program of YPSA…

Chief of Party of Counterpart International visits YPSA in Comilla
Mr. Mir Rakib Ahsan, Chief of Party, Counterpart International (CPI) has visited the YPSA-LDP office at Comilla on 23 November, 2014. Md. Abdus Sabur, Project Coordinator of Leadership Development Program of…

YPSA observed National Youth Day 2014
Leadership Development Program of YPSA organized discussion meeting, rally and cultural program to mark the National Youth Day 2014 at YPSA-HRDC Sitakund Campus onNovember 01, 2014. The theme of this…

Round table Discussion on “Bangladesh With Me Stop Violence and Build a Peaceful Bangladesh”
Aiming for “Stop Violence and Build a Peaceful Bangladesh”, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) arranged a round table discussion at 03 November, 2014 on YPSA-HRDC auditorium, Sitakunda, Chittagong, under…

Human chain and discussion for preventing child marriage and dowry system held at Sitakund
Child Marriage and Dowry System is a common social problem in Bangladesh also in Sitakunda Upazilla, especially at fisherman villages. UNICEF report said 66 percent of girls get married before…