Leadership training on Tobacco control is arranged in Laksmipur pouroshova. All smoke free civil society coalition members were participated in the training. The main objectives of the training were to enhance the knowledge on tobacco control issue and laws, develop skills to advocate on the issue of smoke free pouroshova. Mr. Golam Mostafa, Additional District Commissioner (General) of Laksmipur district was inaugurated the training. In the training, country and global context of tobacco control, National law, FCTC, harms of SHS and tobacco use, role of smoke free coalition and next plan have been discussed. At the end of the training session, the coalition has identified some steps and initiatives which they will implement for ensuring the smoke free Laksmipur poroshova. And all participants are committed to work together to control tobacco use and ensure smoke free public places and public transport in Laksmipur. Ms. Nasim Banu has facilitated the sessions of the training. Besides that a member of CCC smoke free coalition has shared their experiences in making the smoke free CCC. GEMS, an NGO has cooperated YPSA to organize the training.