News Archive : 2013

Forest dependent people’s organizations received training on financial management
Representatives from 24 forest dependent people’s organizations received training on financial management at the Mirsharai Union Parishad Office on 16 June 2013.

Fruit trees distribution among the forest dependent people
YPSA distributed fruit tree seedlings among the forest dependent people promoting tree growing in homesteaded and non-utilized lands at Mirshahrai on 16 June 2013.

Workshop on ‘Mapping Study of Actors and Institutions of Bangladesh Govt. relevant to Climate Displacement’ held in Khulna
YPSA in collaboration with a local organization LoCOs organized a workshop on “Mapping Study of Actors and Institutions of Bangladesh Govt. relevant to climate displacement” under the project Bangladesh Housing,…

Training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” held
YPSA organized capacity development training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” and “National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking 2012-2014” at YPSA-HRDC Chittagong with the support…

World No Tobacco day 2013 observed in Bandarban
Bandarban District Administration and Health Department with the support of YPSA and Hilltop arranged discussion meeting to mark World No Tobacco day 2013 on 12 June at Bandarban Civil Surgeeon…

Human chain demanding Pro-Poor and Participatory District Budget
Democratic Budget Movement formed a human chain demanding Pro-Poor, decentralized and Participatory District Budget for reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the people in general; on June 6, 2013 in front of…

Training workshop on “How to make shopping bag manually”
YPSA with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh organized a two-day training workshop on “How to make shopping bag and paper bag manually” to provide livelihood opportunity for the poor women…

YPSA observed World Environment Day 2013
YPSA in collaboration with Upazila Administration and Forest Department, Mirsharai arranged rally and discussion meeting to mark the World Environment Day 2013 with the theme “Think. Eat. Save.” on 5…

ADC (Education and Development) of Chittagong visits YPSA
Mr. Md. Sanaul Huq, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Education and Development), and Ms. Suraya Akter Swety, Assistant Commissioner of Chittagong District Commissioner Office visited YPSA on June 4, 2013. They joined…

Chittagong civil surgeon office and YPSA jointly observed World No Tobacco Day 2013
Chittagong civil surgeon office and YPSA jointly observed World No Tobacco Day 2013 with the theme “Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship”. “Mobile court will be conducted in different places…

View exchange meeting ”Decentralized and participatory national budget from the district level” held
Guliakhali and Bhuiyanpara Knowledge Centers in collaboration with YPSA, Actionaid Bangladesh and Democratic Budget Movement organized a view exchange meeting titled”Decentralized and participatory national budget from the district level” at Sitakund Upazila…

“Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” formed
Mirsharai Upazila Administration and Forest Department formed “Baroiadala National Park Co-Management Committee” in a meeting at the Uapazila Conference Hall, Mirsharai on 30 May with the support of YPSA’s Restoration…

World No Tobacco Day 2013 celebrated
World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrate worldwide every year on May 31st highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption….

USAID evaluation team visit human trafficking program at Cox’sbazar
USAID evaluation team visited YPSA’s Action for Combating Human Trafficking program at Cox’sbazar during 25-28 May 2013. Mrs. Rumana Amin, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Bangladesh Democracy & Governance Program and…

NASP and ICDDRB visited DIC for street based Sex workers in Rajshahi
Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman, Deputy Programme Manager, National AIDS/STD Programme (NASP) and Dr. Najmul Hussein, Senior Program Manager of ICDDRB visited Rajshahi Drop in Centre (DIC) for the street based…
YPSA achieved special consultative status of UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Young Power in Social Action ( as a National voluntary, nonprofit, social development organization has been recommended to approve for the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) special consultative status…

‘Youth Solutions!’ Empowers Youth Led NGOs in South Asia
Four innovative Youth Solutions were selected winners at the Regional Grant Competition, jointly organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion. The competition titled ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’…

Government officials visit DIC of street based sex workers in Dhaka
Mr. A.M. Badrudduza, Additional Secretary for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Dr. Md Abdul Waheed, Line Director of National AIDS/STD Programme…

Human rights training for the trafficking survivors held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop on human rights at Shanta Niloy (Shelter Home for the trafficking survivors), Cox’sbazar during 20-21 May 2013. A total of 21 trafficking survivors from…

Regional meeting of Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) held
Regional meeting of Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) (An alliance was formed with the support of YPSA) held at a restaurant in Chittagong on 20 May 2013. The alliance declared…