News Archive : 2016

YPSA- CLS Project Coordination Meeting Held at Rangunia
YPSA- Community Legal Services for Access to Justice Program (CLS) aims to provide greater access to justice to poor, marginalized and socially excluded communities in Bangladesh. YPSA-CLS is now working…

Roundtable meeting on “The role of civil society in curving violent extremism” held
YPSA Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Cox’s Bazar (CEVEC) Consortium organized a Roundtable meeting on “The role of civil society in curving Violent and Extremism” which was held at…

YPSA’s Executive Committee visits program Interventions in Sandwip
Executive Committee (EC) members of YPSA have visited the different field interventions of YPSA at Sandwip on 17-18 December 2016. They have visited YPSA-Community Legal Services for Access to Justice…

A 3-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Life Skill Education ends in Cox’sbazar
A 3-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Life Skill Education ended on December 20, 2016 at PHALS Training Center, Cox’sbazar which was organized by YPSA Consortium under the project…

Pledge on victory day: Make society free from violent extremism
A signature campaign on “Pledge on victory day: Make society free from violent extremism” was arranged with the participation of the members of youth groups in 75 places at different…

Secretary of Ministry of Women & Child Affairs visits YPSA
Nasima Begum, Secretary, Ministry of Women & Children Affairs has visited YPSA’s anti-trafficking project Ashshash: for men and women who have escaped trafficking, on 12th December, 2016 at Chittagong. Firstly…

YPSA launches its journal “Social Change”
Launching Ceremony of Social Change volume 6, issue 1 & 2 , 2016 was held at YPSA Head Office, Chittagong on 5 December. Dr. MD. Shairul Mashreque, Professor, Department of…

Joint Secretary of Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Information visit YPSA
Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women & Children Affairs and Md. Rabiul Islam, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Information, has visited YPSA’s anti-trafficking project Ashshash: for men and…

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2016 observed at Sitakund
Sitakund Upazilla Administration and Federation DPOs of Sitakund jointly observed International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2016 at Sitakund on 03 December with the support of YPSA and PKSF Bangladesh. The International theme of…

YPSA executive committee and core management team visit project intervention area at Khagrachari
YPSA executive committee and core management team visit YPSA’s project intervention area at Khagrachari hill district. During 1-3 December, the team made trips to hard-to-reach area Dighinala, Matiranga and Panchari…

District Legal Aid Officer attends YPSA-CLS Coalition members meeting at Rangunia
YPSA-Community Legal Services for Access to Justice (CLS) Project has formed 15 coalitions at project area (Chittagong and Cox’sBazar). These coalitions are formed on the base of CLS center. Each…

Special Health Camp for underprivileged: A GO-NGO collaborative initiative
YPSA and Kowkhali Upazila Administration jointly organized a Special Health Camp at the premises of EENRICH Center, Kolompati Union, Kawkhali on 20 November. Objective of this camp is to provide…

YPSA attends 71st United Nations General Assembly in New York
Chief Executive of YPSA Md. Arifur Rahman has attended 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. He took part in a High-Level Awareness and Pledging Meeting…

Inaugural Ceremony of “YES center-Youth Empowerment through Skills” held at Ramu, Cox’s Bazar
Youth is the hope of the Nation for the future and they are the most energetic and productive segment of the total population. A vast majority of this section unfortunately remains…

PLAN International Bangladesh visits YPSA’s project intervention area in Khagrachari
PLAN International Bangladesh team led by Ms. Sian Platt, Director, Business Development, visited different field interventions of YPSA SRHR and SHOW projects in Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari (Chittagong Hill Tracts) during…

Bibi Amena won the war on poverty : beggarwoman turned into businesswoman
Bibi Amena has been living in a village Bakkhali located at Syayadpur union of Sitakund Upazila under Chittagong district in Bangladesh. When Amena was only 13 years old, she got…

YPSA and BSRM partnership agreement signed
A long term partnership agreement was signed between YPSA and BRSM on 3rd November 2016 at the BSRM head office. The purpose of this agreement is to empower the displaced, landless and…

Orientation of Baseline Study for CEVEC project held
YPSA Consortium will carry out a baseline survey of CEVEC project (Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Cox’s Bazar), aiming at gathering qualitative and quantitative information about the status…

Project closeout meeting held
YPSA successfully accomplished a project “Engaging Private Sector to Increase Access and Use of Injectable, LARCs services” supported by EngenderHeath Bangladesh. The project closeout and experience sharing meeting with Ready…

Cyclone ROANU affected families receive Emergency Shelter Kits at Banskhali
YPSA has distributed Emergency Shelter Kits among 1050 Cyclone ROANU affected families at Khankanabad Union of Bashkhali, Chittagong with the support of Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh. Mr. John Armstrong, National…