YPSA- Community Legal Services for Access to Justice Program (CLS) aims to provide greater access to justice to poor, marginalized and socially excluded communities in Bangladesh. YPSA-CLS is now working at the selected six upazilla’s (Moheshkhali, Ramu, Kutubdia, Fatikchari, Rangunia and Sandwip) of Chittagong and Cox’sBazar District.
The overall objectives of the project are increase community awareness and knowledge on formal legal system, inform available legal services, improve the delivery of community legal services and collaboration with GO-NGO’s through CLS centre. Capacity Development is one of the main pillars of YPSA-CLS project.

For Capacity Development of project staffs as well as common understanding of the program; a Project Coordination Meeting was held at YPSA-CLS Office, Rangunia, Chittagong on 29-30 December 2016.
The objectives of the Project Coordination Meeting was to fortify the capacity of the field staff from distinguished geography and sharing their best practices, facing challenges and how do they overcome. Participants of this meeting were Programme Coordinator, Monitoring and Documentation Officers, Programme Officers, Finance Officer and Field Facilitators.

This orientation workshop was chaired by Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director (Social Development) and facilitated by Md. Abdus Sabur, Programme Coordinator, YPSA-CLS. Mr. Jigarul Islam, Manager, YPSA-Malaria Control Program was presence and made support on organizing this orientation meeting to YPSA-CLS Rangunia Team.
The mode of meeting was highly interactive. A group work, discussion and presentation were held on financial standard, program learning, reflection, challenges and way forward. The facilitation was conducted using flip chart, oral and power point presentation. The participants provided their feedback during the whole session.

YPSA-Community Legal Services for Access to Justice Program is funded by UKaid and supported by Community Legal Services and implemented by BLAST-YPSA Consortium.