Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) and Arizona State University (ASU) are now officially collaborating partners. Recently a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has signed by YPSA and ASU. This MoU is signed by Shelley Stephenson, Sr. Director of international and Special Initiatives, Arizona State University and Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA. The Arizona State University (ASU) has been ranked among the top research universities in the United States of America (USA). By this agreement YPSA and ASU will identify and work together on the common interest, opportunities for the exchange of faculty, student and research staff, exchange and educate personnel through sabbaticals, seminar, courses and workshops, jointly develop research program and projects and mutually lend advice, technical support and services. YPSA feels proud as a partner of Arizona State University (ASU), USA.