News Category: Human Rights

Workshop for media professionals on Human Trafficking Act and preventing TIP
YPSA organised a workshop for media professional/journalist on Human Trafficking Act and preventing Trafficking in Persons (TIP) at the Mushroom Center, Cox’s Bazar on 26th August, 2018. The workshop is…

Innovation Policy Specialist of UNDP focused YPSA’s innovation
The UK Government co-hosted the first ever Global Disability Summit with the International Disability Alliance and the Government of Kenya in London on 24 July, 2018. Innovation Policy Specialist of UNDP Mr….

Project induction to support victims of gender-based violence in Cox’s bazar
To provide proper support to the women and girl victims who faced gender-based violence in Cox’s Bazar, YPSA has come up with a new project ASTHA: Strengthening Access to Multi-sectoral…

Bangladesh Kishor-Kishori Convention 2018 – Chittagong District held
The current generation should be directed and prepared in a way to make them fit for good leadership in order to build a future Bangladesh which would be beautiful, prosperous…

YPSA observes World Day against Human Trafficking in Persons- 2018
With a strong vow to stop human trafficking, IOM & YPSA jointly under the umbrella of District Commissioner’s office of Cox’s Bazar organized ‘World Day against Human Trafficking in Persons-2018’…

Team Leader of PROKAS Programme under British Council visited YPSA
Nicola Dahrendorf, Team Leader of PROKAS Programme, British Council visited YPSA’s project Interventions in Chittagong from 17 July to 19 July 2018. On 18 July 2018, she attended a sharing…

Poor elderly received recognition in Sitakund
YPSA organized a program to give recognition as 10 best elderly, 05 best children and 01 most eldest person in Soyedpur Union Parishad 2018, supported by PKSF held on 30…

Roundtable meeting on “Role of civil society in the prevention of violent extremism”
Roundtable meeting on “Role of civil society in the prevention of violent extremism” organized by YPSA -CEVEC Consortium at the conference room of Hotel Uni Resort. Additional District Magistrate Mohammad Ashraful…

Phunthi Phather Ashar at Age Friendly Space for displaced Rohingya
Phunthi Phather Ashar (পুঁথি পাঠের আসর) is one’s performance of reading book or reciting poetry or story telling with nice melody in a traditional way on the courtyard or small stage…

Awareness session on “Diabetes – Control, Discipline, Diet & Drug”
YPSA arranged an awareness session on “Diabetes – Control, Discipline, Diet & Drug” at Age Friendly Space (AFS-2), Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. The program was arranged under the project “Improved access…

USAID’s Ujjiban Project signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Radio Sagar Giri
On Sunday, June 24, 2018 the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Ujjiban Social and Behavior Change Communication Project signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Radio Sagar Giri…

Project induction : Initiatives to Prevent Human Trafficking in Emergency Response
YPSA organized an induction workshop of a project titled “Initiatives to Prevent Human Trafficking in Emergency Response” at Hotel Beach Way, Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar on Sunday, June 10, 2018. Notably,…

Three-day basic training for community radio journalists in Sitakund ended
The Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Information of Government of Bangladesh, organized a three-day basic training for the community radio journalists in collaboration with…

YPSA launces research report “Labour Migration in Bangladesh: Challenges, Needs and Recommendations”
Launching ceremony of a research book titled “Labour Migration in Bangladesh: Challenges, Needs and Recommendations” was arranged by YPSA-Labour Migration Project on 26 May at the conference room of YPSA Head Office. The…

PKSF visits YPSA’s humanitarian response to displaced Rohingyas
YPSA, an organization for sustainable development, has been praising the administration and the community by implementing various social development programs in greater Chittagong since 1985. YPSA has been implementing various…

Talking Smartphone distribution and orientation to visually challenged students
Visually Impaired People’s Society (VIPS) in association with YPSA has distributed Talking Smartphone among visually impaired students. An Orientation on the use of talking smartphone and phone distribution program was…

YPSA celebrates National Day on Occupational Safety and Health’ 2018
“Bangladesh is now in an irresistible step toward achieving sustainable development goal. The workers-owners both will have to contribute to this initiative together. For the sake of development of the…
Divisional level workshop on uplifting the quality of lives of elderly people
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), a government organization, arranged a divisional level workshop on uplifting the quality of lives of elderly people, with the support of YPSA, an organization for sustainable…

Smart phone distribution among visually impaired women students
YPSA, an organization for sustainable development, has distributed smart phones among 40 visually impaired women students from different educational institutions of Dhaka. YPSA has already provided smart phones among 200 visually…

Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) and Sitakund Press Club arranged Basic Training on Journalism
Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB), a government institution, arranged a three-day basic training on journalism, in association with Sitakunda Press Club on 18-20 April at the Human Resource Development Center of YPSA…