News Category: Human Rights

YPSA’s CE visits Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-in-Persons (BCTIP) Program at Cox’sbazar
YPSA’s Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman has visited Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-in-Persons (BCTIP) Program field level activities and met with the Survivors Voice- ANIRBAN leaders at Cox’sbazar on 14 January 2016….

Training workshop on Legal Rights and Legal Aid held at Rangunia
“Receiving legal assistance is a constitutional right for every citizen. Legal aid is the assistance given to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation or access to the court. Common…

Training Workshop on digital content development and use of multimedia class for visual impaired teachers of Bangladesh
Access to information (a2i) program and TQI-II project of Ministry of Education have jointly organized a Training Workshop on digital content development and use of multimedia class for visual impaired…

Good governance related radio program Jonotar Mukhomuki
YPSA led community radio “Sagor Giri FM 99.2” arranged a good governance related radio program Jonotar Mukhomuki, a public dialogue or face to face conversation between citizen and local government,…

YPSA provides financial aid to the persons with disability
YPSA provides financial aid to the persons with disability affected by cyclone Komen and flash flood in Cox’sbazar which happened in the midst of 2015. At first YPSA conducted a…

YPSA CLS Project monthly staff coordination meeting held
BLAST-YPSA Consortium implementing a Project on the title of “Community Legal Services for Access to Justice” with the support of Community Legal Services (CLS), Maxwell Stamp PLC and UKAID. This…

YPSA distributes blankets to the poor at Sitakund
YPSA with support from BSRM distributes 300 warm blankets to the poor including persons with disability, fisherman, children, age-old and ethnic minority since winter has arrived and it is the…

Training on Reproductive Health of Women with Disability held at Chittagong
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation (WDDF) organized “Training on Reproductive Health of Women with Disability” on 22 December 2015 at Pitstop, Chittagong with the support of Global Fund for Women…

U.S. Ambassador Marcia S. Bernicat visits YPSA at Cox’sbazar
U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh Ms. Marcia Stephens Bloom Bernicat visited YPSA on 21 December 2015 in Cox’sbazar. She has visited YPSA’s Shelter Home for the trafficking survivors “Shanta Niloy” in Cox’sbazar and…

Candle light vigil in memory of the victims who died and missing during illegal migration
YPSA and Survivor Voice “Onirban” organized a candle light vigil in memory of the victims who died and missing during illegal migration from Bangladesh. They light candles at the sea…

YPSA observes Human Rights Day 2015 in Chittagong
With the theme “Our Rights Our Freedoms Always” YPSA observed Human Rights Day 2015 in Chittagong on 10 December. The day was celebrated jointly with Bangladesh Human Rights Commission in Chittagong…

Inaugural of vocational training for working children in hazardous job
Inaugural session of a six-week vocational training for the working children in hazardous job was organized on 29th November at Br. Flavian Technical School Chittagong, CARITAS where 37 children have joined in…

Stakeholder Coordination Meeting held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA-BC/TIP Program organized a Stakeholder Coordination Meeting at Cox’sbazar on 17 November 2015. Different stakeholders from Government and Non-Government sectors were present in the meeting. Project deputy director of Govt….

Seminar on Status of Disability in Chittagong Division: Addressing SDGs: Way forward to Achieve the Targets
Bangladesh has become a lower middle income country. We will elevate the status into middle income country soon and will become developed county within 2041 in keeping with vision 2041….

YPSA – KRIS Energy Health Care Campaign held at Debidwar, Comilla
YPSA jointly with KRIS Energy organized a Healthcare Campaign on Maternal, New born and Child Health at Gopalnagar West Govt. Primary School,Dedidwar, Comilla on 17 November 2015 under the CSR…

71 TV Report on Human Trafficking in Bangladesh
71 TV Report on Human Trafficking in Bangladesh. YPSA’s program manager has given interview on the issue. Language: Bengali.

Chanel 24 TV Report on Human Trafficking and Smuggling from Bangladesh
Report on Human Trafficking and Smuggling from Bangladesh on Chanel 24 Television Language: Bengali

USAID representatives visit YPSA
USAID representatives have visited YPSA on 8 November 2015. The USAID team includes Ms. Rumana Amin, Ms. Emelda S Mullick and Ms. Muntaka Jabeen. They attend a sharing meeting at…

IOM organizes counseling and Cheque distribution for the returnee victims of human smuggling and trafficking
International Organization for Migration (IOM) has organized a counseling session and Cheque distribution ceremony for the returnee victims of human smuggling and trafficking who were rescued recently from the different…

Citizen Consultation on Inclusive and Informative Society with Effective, Accountable and Transparent Institution for Sustainable Development held
“Advancing sustainable human development requires democracy. Liberal democracy requires extensive public freedoms of speech and access to information. Good governance is essential to achieve development while true participatory democracy ensures…