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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Youth


Advocacy Workshop on Youth Friendly Health Services held at Comilla

Advocacy workshop on Youth Friendly Health Services held at S.A.Bari Conference room, Comilla on 17 February. The meeting was presided by Dr. Md.Samshul Haque, Civil Surgeon, Comilla. Mr.Monjurur Rahaman Deputy…

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GX team on Cox's Bazar beach

Beach Clean up in Coxe’sbazar

Global Xchange Team 79 has arranged beach clean up event last yesterday. GX Volunteers in collaboration with different NGOs and some local volunteers have participated in the event. Volunteers have…

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Mr. Subir Das, Officer attended training on leadership and capacity Building Workshop

YPSA representative attends workshop in Malaysia

Mr. Subir Das, Officer-YPSA attended training on leadership and capacity Building Workshop in Kawa Lampur Malaysia during 12 to 15 January. He attended training as the Deputy Regional Youth Caucus…

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Group photo

Community Welcome Programme for the Global Xchange Team-79 held

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) has arranged the Community Welcome Programme for the Global Xchange Team-79 in Theatre Institute Chittagong on the 11th January 2009. Global Xchange Programme in…

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GX teams celebration of VIVID GCDGX teams celebration of VIVID GCD

A VIVID GCD from Global Xchange team 79

Global Citizenship Day (GCD) is a regular session of Global Xchange program where different global development issues are discussed with the joint collaboration of international volunteers. The 2nd Global Xchange…

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Group photo of youth PWDs

2nd National Youth Camp on Disability

As a youth-led organization, YPSA, with the support of Action Aid Bangladesh, organizes an annual Youth Camp to increase young peoples’ awareness on social development issues and encourage them to…

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Rally on Volunteer Day

YPSA observed International Volunteer Day 08

December 5 is International Volunteer Day; a day for the whole world to pause and acknowledge, recognize, and celebrate the valuable contributions volunteers make each day. Organizing many vibrant events,…

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YPSA observed World Aids Day 08 in different districts of the country

YPSA organized several colorful events to observe World AIDS DAY 2008 in different districts of the country . Civil society, NGO’s, Youth Organizations and Government Officials participated in the events….

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YPSA representative selected as Bangladesh Deputy Youth Caucus

YPSA representative Mr. Subir Das (23) has been selected by the Youth Ministry of Bangladesh as Deputy Youth Caucus (DYC) to Commonwealth Youth Program (CYP). He will serve as DYC…

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Group photo

Community Farewell for Global Xchange team in Thurso, Caithness

Community farewell on Friday, 28 November, 2008 marks the last day of Global Xchange (GX) Team 79 in Caithness. The community farewell provides an opportunity to say Thank You and…

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Fundraising for street children

Fundraising for street children

Volunteer from the Global Xchange Programme has arranged a discussion session on the street children issues in Bangladesh in a MacKay’s Hotel, Caithness, Scotland on the 26th November. Two hour-long…

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Tree Planting in Thrumster :CAD

Global Xchange events

A number of Global Xchange Team 79 volunteers (Sonu, Isaba, Ety, Sampa, Tonni, Anerin, Michael, Shabbir and I) prepared and presented Diwali – major Hindu festival – to Keiss Primary…

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Mr. Ehsan E Elahi

National Youth Day 2008 Observed in Bangladesh

1st November is the National Youth Day. YPSA organized many colorful events to observe National Youth Day 2008 in different districts of the Country . YPSA GFATM902 strategic partner organizations and PRO…

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2nd Global Xchange Volunteers team

2nd Global Xchange Programme Launched

Global Xchange (GX) is a partnership programme managed and delivered by the British Council, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and local partners around the world. The partners are committed to the…

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Global Xchange volunteers welcomed

Global Xchange (GX) team 78 has received a warm welcome in the Wick Scout Hall on the 30th September, 2008. Members of the community welcomed them and welcomed there goal to…

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Certificate given ceremony

The youth leadership training workshop successfully ended

The youth leadership training workshop, Building Bridges Through Leadership Training, organized in partnership with Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center and Young Power in Social Action has successfully ended on the 14th…

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Rally in Dhaka

International Youth Day 2008 Observed in Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh, different national and international organizations and youth clubs in different places observed the International Youth Day 2008 with solemnity. To observe the International Youth Day 2007,…

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Group photo of participants

Building bridge through Leadership Training started

Building bridge through Leadership Training is a program of BYLC (Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre) Organized in partnership with YPSA. The opening ceremony was held at Chittagong Jila Parishad on 18…

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Volunteers at Certificate given ceremony

Volunteers received training on Disaster preparedness, Rescue and Primary treatment

There are 10 Community Volunteer Groups were formed in the Chittagong City Corporation under the project ‘Mobilizing Communities for Disaster Risk Reduction’. Young volunteers received training on Disaster preparedness, Rescue…

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Youth participants

Youth camp for the persons with disability

In every year, YPSA, with the support of Action Aid Bangladesh organizes Youth Camp to contribute youth people on social development and encourage them to make leadership spirit in their…

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