News Archive : 2013

Courtyard meeting on exposure to secondhand smoke among women and children held
YPSA organized a courtyard meeting at Chittagong to raise awareness of decreasing exposure to secondhand smoke among women and children living with smokers. Chittagong City Corporation Councilor Ms Shaheda Kasem…

NASPD Chittagong committee election held
Association of Sports for the Persons with Disability (NASPD) Chittagong committee election held during its biannual general meeting at the Chittagong Society for Disabled(CSD) premises, Chittagong on 9 November 2013. Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director(SD),…

YPSA‘s director awarded as Best Youth Organizer of Chittagong division
Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director (SD), YPSA has been awarded as Best Youth Organizer of Chittagong division for the contribution to development of youth according to National Youth Policy. He received…

YPSA Observed National Tobacco Control Day’13 in Chittagong
YPSA, Civil surgeon Office Chittagong and BATA members of Chittagong district as Barnali, Nirmal Foundation, Upokul and ELMA jointly organized discussion meeting and rally at the conference hall of Civil…

YPSA-COUNTERPART International partnership on Leadership Development Program
YPSA and COUNTERPART International made official partnership for working together to strengthening the leadership potential for the adults and youth in Bangladesh under the Leadership Development Program LDP. LDP is…

Global Fund team visit Malalria Control Program
The Global Fund team comprised of Mr. Ibon Villelabeitia, Media Associate Specialist of Global Fund, Ms. Meixun Jin, Program Officer of High Impact Asia Grant Management and other officials from…

Coastal Kids Debate Competition 2013 on “Climate Change and Climate Displaced People” ended
Sitakund Girls School defeats P.H. Amin Academy and becomes champion at the final round of Coastal Kids Debate Competition 2013 organized by YPSA on 3rd October at Chittagong Police Institution…

YPSA observed International Day of Older Persons 2013
“Empowering older people, promoting lifelong physical health, social protection and age appropriate health care are all important. Policymakers need to pay much more attention to the importance of dementia as…

YPSA celebrated International Right to Know Day 2013
Radio Sagor Giri and Sitakund Press Club with the support of YPSA, BNNRC, Free Press Unlimited jointly organized a rally and discussion meeting on “Journalist role on implementation of Right…

International Right to know Day 2013 observed in Chittagong
Chittagong District Administration and non government organizations working in Chittagong jointly organized rally and discussion meeting at Circuit House Conference Hall, Chittagong on 28 September to mark the International Right…

Stakeholder Consultation on Climate Displacement Issues at Banskhali Upazilla
YPSA organized a stakeholder consultation meeting with the GOs, NGOs and Civil Society group working for Climate Displaced People under YPSA-HLP rights initiative project at Upazilla Officer’s Club of Banskhali…

Advocacy for ensuring HLP rights of climate displaced people
YPSA started advocacy with local government from Mirsharai, Sitakund and Banskhali Upazilla for ensuring Housing, Land and Property rights of climate displaced people. HLP project team members brief the target…

Service Innovation Fund awarded to YPSA
Service Innovation Fund arranged by Access to Information (A2I) Program under Prime Minister’s Office awarded to YPSA for ‘production of multimedia digital talking book’. Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program Manager, YPSA…

Meeting on developing set of recommendation for SF rules held
The BI Grantee meeting held to develop a set of recommendations for the Tobacco Control rules on 22nd September 2013, at UNINIG office in Dhaka which was hosted by YPSA. The…

Voice of America Bangladesh representative and Coordinator of Voice of America Fan Club visits Radio Sagor Giri
Voice of America Bangladesh representative and Coordinator of Voice of America Fan Club Mr. SM Jahurul Alam visited first community radio of Chittagong led by YPSA Radio Sagor Giri FM…

MOU signed for “YPSA-BSRM Khet Khamar Project”
“BSRM has been working for the corporate sectors around the country. From the view of corporate social responsibility, BSRM has started working for the development of livelihood of the farmers with…

YPSA celebrated International Literacy Day 2013
YPSA celebrated International Literacy Day 2013. An education fair has been organized at Gulia Khali primary school premises, Sitakund with the support of SUPRO. School students attended Essay writing competition,…

“NGOs are a partner of the government” Dr Gauhar Rizvi
“Terming the NGO as the third sector, NGOs are a partner of the government and this partnership should be strengthened for proper development” said Dr Gauhar Rizvi, international affairs adviser…

Training on “Empowering Youth with Disabilities through market driven ICT skills” launched
After winning the prestigious Competition named ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’, 2013, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion., Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is implementing the proposed…

Seminar on “Global Ageing and Need for Elderly care in Bangladesh” held
Seminar on “Global Ageing and Need for Elderly care in Bangladesh” held at YPSA HRDC, Chittagong campus on 27 August 2013 organized by YPSA. Dr. Hafiz T.A. Khan, Senior Lecturer…