News Category: Organization

YPSA’s journal SOCIAL CHANGE launched
Social Change, a development Journal of YPSA has been opened through a launching ceremony. Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque, Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Chittagong was present as chief…

Interview of a social development activist and organizer in Bangladesh at Massranga Television
Massranga Television Program : Ranga Shokal Topic : Interview of a social development activist and organizer in Bangladesh Guest: Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA Language: Bengali

YPSA received full Membership Certificate from IOGT International
YPSA received full Membership Certificate from IOGT International in an international conference on “World Congress 68 – Alcohol in All Policies” held in Cha-Am, Thailand. This was the first international…

Workshop on “Some Reflections on Co-management as a Natural Resource Governance Model in Bangladesh” held
As a part of knowledge management and organizational capacity building YPSA has organized a daylong learning workshop on “Some Reflections on Co-management as a Natural Resource Governance Model in Bangladesh”…

YPSA wins The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award
YPSA won The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award under the category “Innovation on learning and localization”. The Awards Ceremony took place during the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul,…

YPSA Bi-AGM held and elected Executive Committee 2014-17
Bi- Annual General Meeting AGM of the YPSA held at HRDC Sitakund Campus Chittagong on 8th August 2014. Md.Shamsuddin Bhuyan (Tutul), President of the YPSA presided the meeting. Mr.Shahin Imran,…

Director General of NGO Affairs Bureau visits YPSA
“Enormous development of a country is not possible for its government alone. Besides the government, voluntary non-profit organizations are working in different sectors including climate change, advancement of disadvantage poor…

PKSF visited community radio “Radio Sagor Giri at Sitakund
Managing Director of Palli Karma Sahayok Foundation (PKSF) Md. Mainiruzzaman visited YPSA led community radio “Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2” at Sitakund on 22 May 2014.

Joint Secretary of Ministry of Information visited Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2
Ms. Anowara Begum, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Information, Bangladesh Government visited YPSA led first community radio of Chittagong Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 in Sitakund on May 1, 2014. Md….

YPSA official selected to join International Visitors Leadership Program in USA
Md. Siraj Uddin Belal, Program Manager of YPSA has been selected for International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) on Combating Trafficking in Persons by US Department of State. This program will…

Former president of YPSA’s EC gets warm reception
YPSA has given warm reception to Advocate Moktader Billah, former president of YPSA’s Executive Committee in an occasion held at the head office on 5 March, 2014. “Sustaining an organization…

Workshop on “Recent Trends in Development and Bangladesh Perspectives” held
“Trends of Development issue changing regularly and plans and programs of Bangladesh in last four decades remarkably parallels with the phases of world’s development forethought. Bangladesh never left the path…

Workshop on “District NGO Web Portal Development” held at Faridpur DC Office
Faridpur District Administration and Ministry of Information & Communication Technology arranged a workshop on “District NGO Web Portal Development” at Faridpur DC Office on 11 February. Representatives from 8 districts including Assistant…

Mr Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA attended BBC Bangladesh Sanglap as Panelist
BBC Bangladesh Sanglap, Dhaka, 08-Feb-2014, Series III – Ep 59 Panelists : Mr Saifuzzaman Chowdhury MP – State Minister for Land; Former president of Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry…

YPSA organized a two-day orientation program for the recently recruited staffs
YPSA Human Resource Management and Development (HRM&D) Department organized a two-day orientation program during 14-15 December 2013 at HRDC, Chittagong. Recently recruited staffs of YPSA attended the orientation program. Chief Executive of…

Voice of America Bangladesh representative and Coordinator of Voice of America Fan Club visits Radio Sagor Giri
Voice of America Bangladesh representative and Coordinator of Voice of America Fan Club Mr. SM Jahurul Alam visited first community radio of Chittagong led by YPSA Radio Sagor Giri FM…

“NGOs are a partner of the government” Dr Gauhar Rizvi
“Terming the NGO as the third sector, NGOs are a partner of the government and this partnership should be strengthened for proper development” said Dr Gauhar Rizvi, international affairs adviser…

Voice of America Bangla Service celebrated its 55th founding anniversary: Comunity Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 awarded
Recently Voice of America Bangla Service celebrated its 55th founding anniversary. Voice of America Fan Club organized discussion meeting, cultural program to mark the day. Different organizations and personals were…

Refreshers orientation for YPSA’s support staffs held
YPSA Human Resource department has organized a refreshers orientation for YPSA’s support staffs on 5th July’ 13 at YPSA HRDC, Chittagong. A total of 23 support staffs participated in the…