News Category: Tobacco free campaign

Workshop on “Implementation of Smoke-free Guideline and Tobacco Control Act” held
“It is possible to make smoke-free area of local government through creating social awareness participating by all walks of people united” speakers said in a two-day workshop on “Implementation of…

Conducting mobile court frequently could reduce tobacco use at public places
“We will start conducting mobile court soon but, only mobile court conducting is not enough to stop smoking in the public places. It needs strong public awareness as well” said…

Smoke free campaign held in Comilla
YPSA organized different events including musical program, stickers, leaflet distribution and festoon handover to the government officials in Comilla with the support of Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK). Sanjoy…

Anti Tobacco Campaign at Chittagong Medical Collage and Hospital held
Brigadier General Kondokar Shohidul Islam, Director of Chittagong Medical Collage & Hospital received festoon displaying the harmful effects of tobacco uses. YPSA Smoke Free Project team organized an Anti Tobacco Campaign at Chittagong…

Candle light vigil to call for stopping preventable deaths caused by tobacco use
Dumpan Mukta Projannamo (Smoke Free Generation), a volunteer group formed by YPSA arranged a candle light vigil to call for stopping preventable deaths caused by tobacco use. The event took place…

YPSA participated in the Workshop on Implementation of TC Law In Bangladesh held in Bangkok
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) has organized a workshop on “Implementation of Tobacco Control Law in Bangladesh” from 3-6 December 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. 25 participants from 9 Bangladeshi…

42nd anniversary of Victory Day celebrated
Dhumpan Mukto Projonmo (Smoke Free Generation), a volunteer group formed by YPSA celebrated the 42nd anniversary of Victory Day of Bangladesh at Chittagong on 16 December 2013. Volunteers and YPSA team laid…

Courtyard meeting on exposure to secondhand smoke among women and children held
YPSA organized a courtyard meeting at Chittagong to raise awareness of decreasing exposure to secondhand smoke among women and children living with smokers. Chittagong City Corporation Councilor Ms Shaheda Kasem…

YPSA Observed National Tobacco Control Day’13 in Chittagong
YPSA, Civil surgeon Office Chittagong and BATA members of Chittagong district as Barnali, Nirmal Foundation, Upokul and ELMA jointly organized discussion meeting and rally at the conference hall of Civil…

Meeting on developing set of recommendation for SF rules held
The BI Grantee meeting held to develop a set of recommendations for the Tobacco Control rules on 22nd September 2013, at UNINIG office in Dhaka which was hosted by YPSA. The…

Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation honored for smoke free initiatives
The Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation Alhaj M. Manzur Alam has been honored and given crest from YPSA and smoke free coalition for his land mark initiatives to create a…

World No Tobacco day 2013 observed in Bandarban
Bandarban District Administration and Health Department with the support of YPSA and Hilltop arranged discussion meeting to mark World No Tobacco day 2013 on 12 June at Bandarban Civil Surgeeon…

Chittagong civil surgeon office and YPSA jointly observed World No Tobacco Day 2013
Chittagong civil surgeon office and YPSA jointly observed World No Tobacco Day 2013 with the theme “Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship”. “Mobile court will be conducted in different places…

World No Tobacco Day 2013 celebrated
World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is celebrate worldwide every year on May 31st highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption….

Regional meeting of Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) held
Regional meeting of Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) (An alliance was formed with the support of YPSA) held at a restaurant in Chittagong on 20 May 2013. The alliance declared…

Human chain formed demanding smoke free Feni Pouroshova
YPSA and Feni Development Foundation jointly formed human chain demanding smoke free Feni Pouroshova on Independence day.

Speakers demanded to uphold FCTC and increase tax on tobacco products
A meeting titled as ‘ Tobacco Control and Tax increase’ held on 28th March 2013 in a restaurant in Chittagong organized by YPSA and Supported by CTFK. The meeting was presided over…

Anti tobacco sticker campaign on International Mother Language Day 2013
A group of young volunteers formed a forum “Dhumpan Mukto Projonmo (Smoke free new generation)” with the support of YPSA. The forum organized a Sticker Campaign at a book fair,…

Chittagong City corporation to allocate budget for Smoke Free Action
“Chittagong City Corporation will be the pioneer on Smoke free environment and I promise to continue this effort until we have a smoke free Chittagong” said honorable Mayor of Chittagong…

YPSA in 4th Sub-national workshop on tobacco control
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids has arranged a three-day 4th Sub-national workshop from 6 to 8 January 2013 in Jamuna Resort, Tangaile. Representatives from 20 partner organizations of CTFK participated in the workshop….