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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Environment and Climate Change


“Synchronized efforts, ignoring manipulation of political pressure and mass participation should be ensured”

“Many organizations implementing few biggest rehabilitation projects here in Nowkhali but some of them were not able to deliver their service properly. Synchronized efforts, ignoring manipulation of political pressure and mass…

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Advocacy Meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” at Shariatpur District

Meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Shariatpur District.

YPSA and Shariatpur Development society (SDS) jointly organized an advocacy meeting with the NGOs and Civil Society group working for Climate Displaced People at SDS training hall on 1st Decmber’12 supported by Displacement Solutions. Md….

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Speech contest on “The natural forests play an important role in biodiversity conservation” among high school students

Speech contest on “The natural forests play an important role in biodiversity conservation” among high school students held

Speech contest on “The natural forests play an important role in biodiversity conservation” among high school students held at Khayachara School, Mirsharai on 29 November. YPSA with the support of…

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Mr. Shekh Harunur Rashid, Administrator of Khulna District & former chief in the meeting

Meeting on rights of climate displaced people arranged in Khulna and Satkhira

Two advocacy meeting on rights of climate displaced people were arranged in Khulna and Satkhira districts with the support of Displacement Solutions.  YPSA and Loving Care for the Oppressed Society…

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Government, NGO and civil society groups should work together for the rights of climate refugees

The effects of climate change cause large-scale human displacement due to sea-level rise, tropical cyclones, riverbank erosion and flooding across the country. Millions of people have been rendered homeless due to river erosion…

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Participants of Advocacy workshop

District level advocacy workshop on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” held in Sirajgonj

YPSA and NDP jointly organized district level advocacy workshop with the Government, NGOs and Civil Society group working on Climate Displaced People under YPSA-HLP rights initiative project at conference hall, NDP…

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Advocacy meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” in Bogra District held

YPSA and PAVE jointly organized advocacy meeting with the NGOs and Civil Society groups working on climate displaced people under YPSA-HLP rights initiative project at the conference hall of Bogra…

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Participants in the meeting at kurigram

Advocacy meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” in Korigram District held

YPSA and Solidarity with the support of Displacement Solutions jointly organized advocacy meeting on “Rights of Climate Displaced People” in Korigram District on 20th November’12.  YPSA’s Housing, Land and Property Rights Initiative…

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MoU signed for implementing Coastal Kids Project between YPSA and William Carey Academy

With a view to adopting a right-based approach emphasizing the human rights, in particular, housing, land and property rights for the people of Bangladesh specially for the victims who are…

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ADC general with distributing money

Ten Million BDT distributes among flood victims at Ramu

Plan Bangladesh and YPSA distributing 10 Million Taka among 2000 flood affected families at Ramu upazila under Cox’sbazar district. ADC General of Cox’sbazar Mr. Sayed Mohammed Nurul Basir inaugurated the distribution…

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Meeting on “Co-management activities for conservation of forest and biodiversity ” held

Mirsharai Upazila Administration and Department of Forest, Chittagong North Jointly organized meeting on “Co-management activities for conservation of forest and biodiversity in Sitakund and Mirsharai Upazila” at Mirsharai with the…

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Orientation Workshop on Study Methodology to cunduct research on climate displacement held

YPSA organized “Orientation Workshop on Study Methodology” under the project Bangladesh Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights Initiative at Chittagong on 17 June with the support of Displacement Solutions. YPSA will…

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UNIC and YPSA meeting

Speakers stressed on Green Economy in the seminar On Rio+ 20: Disaster Resilience

United Nations Information Center (UNIC)-Dhaka and YPSA jointly successfully organised a seminar on Rio+ 20: Disaster Resilience on the occasion of Environment Day’12 today , on 4th June 2012 at Zilla Parishad,…

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Displacement Solutions (DS) Mission to Bangladesh April 2012

Displacement Solutions (DS), is an International Rights Based Organization, works to empower displaced people and refugees to exercise their right to return and have restored to them their original homes, lands and…

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logo COP17

YPSA’s CE travels to South Africa to attend The United Nations Climate Change Conference

YPSA’s chief executive and member of Executive Board, Sushasoner Jonny Procharavizan (SUPRO) Md. Arifur Rahman travels to South Africa to attend The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011. He will…

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Training workshops on Bamboo propagation & Enrich Longevity of bamboo

YPSA-RCBDH project organized different training workshops on “Enrich longevity of bamboo by using chemical” and “Bamboo propagation & management technique” in Sitakund and Mirsharai on 23 & 27 June with…

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Trainer showed planting system of seedlings in the field

Training on Plantation & Management System of Horticultural Plants

Training on “Plantation & management system of horticultural plants” was organized by YPSA-RCBDH (Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Sitakund and Mirsharai, Chittagong) supported by Arannyok…

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Training on “Leadership Skill Development” held

YPSA-RCBDH organized training workshop on “Leadership Skill Development” during 20-22 June and 28-30 June at YPSA-HRDC training centre, Sitakund with the support by Arannyok Foundation (AF). 40 participants from Forest…

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Training on “High Energy Efficient Stove making” held

YPSA-RCBDH organized three training workshops on “High Energy Efficient Stove making” during 23-25 May under the project “Restoration and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Denuded Hills in Sitakund and Mirsharai,…

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YPSA observed “International Day for Bio-logical Diversity 2010”

YPSA observed “International Day for Bio-logical Diversity 2010” with the theme of “Biodiversity, Development & Poverty alleviation” at Sitakund on 22 May. YPSA-RCBDH Project organized Rally and Discussion Meeting to…

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