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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Women Rights

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YPSA greet new Country Director and sendoff to leaving Country Director of Shapla Neer

YPSA warmly welcomed newly joined Country Director Mr. Michito UCHIMOTO and said farewell to leaving Country Director Ms. Yukiko Fujisaki of Shapla Neer, Bangladesh Office in the 3rd quarterly meeting…

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Rana plaza victim Jarina Khatun’s family receive financial assistance

Ms. Sharmin Akter, daughter of deceased Jarina Khatun of Kowkhali Upazila received financial assistance of Taka 100,000 from Actionaid Bangladesh with the support of YPSA in an occasion on 14…

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Ms. Aleya Begum from YPSA has been honored as “Joyeeta Woman”.

Aleya Begum honored as “Joyeeta Woman”

YPSA Guliakhali Jonokendra Manager and UP Member of Muradpur Union under Sitakund Ms. Aleya Begum has been honored as “Joyeeta Woman” for her outstanding contribution on social development in an…

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Woman receive sewing machine

Sewing machine distribution among the small-scale female entrepreneurs

YPSA distributed sewing machine among the small-scale female entrepreneurs at Banskhali, Chittagong ensuring women’s full participation in mainstream economic activities. Mr. Shabbir Iqbal, Upazila Nirbahi Officer inaugurated the distribution program….

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YPSA observed International Women’s Day 2013

YPSA and Sitakund Upazilla Women’s Affairs office jointly organized rally, discussion meeting and essay competition on women empowerment at Sitakund Upazilla Auditorium on 8 March to mark the International Women’s…

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Human chain in Sitakund

YPSA expressed solidarity to “One Billion Rising” campaign

With the slogan “The time has come; we’re not tolerating it any more”, YPSA expressed solidarity to “One Billion Rising” campaign. V-Day, the global activist movement to end violence against…

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Woman 2012 observed

YPSA celebrated International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Woman 2012. Rally and Discussion meeting were organized by Chittagong District Administration to mark the day. 

“From the Highest Mountain to the Longest Beach” Because I am a Girl

Nishat Mazumder, who became the first Bangladeshi woman to scale Mount Everest, dedicating her climb to Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) campaign. After placing the BIAAG flag atop the…

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YPSA celebrated International Women’s Day 2012

YPSA observed International Women’s day 2012 jointly with the Department of Women & Children Affairs, other Govt departments & NGOs of Chittagong. Coordination Committee organized a procession from Chittagong Shilpokola…

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Meeting with the employers of girl domestic workers held at Mirsharai

YPSA organized meeting with the employers of girl domestic workers at Jorarganj, Mirsharai on 10 October 2011. Child domestic workers are often confined in a house where they are deprived from…

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employers of girl domestic workers

Meeting with the employers of girl domestic workers held

Meeting with the employers of girl domestic workers held at ANANDALOAK, a training centre of girl domestic workers, Chittagong on 25 September under the project “The Project of Safer Life Girl…

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Experience Sharing Workshop for the “Safer Life of Girl Domestic Workers” project held

Shapla Neer organized Experience Sharing Workshop for the “Safer Life of Girl Domestic Workers” project that is being implemented by the YPSA & PHULKI, on 4th July’ 2011 at NGO Forum…

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Kids Festival held at Chittagong

Kids Festival was held at Zilla Shilpakalla Academy Chittagong organized By Kids Cultural Institute & Act Plus from 27 to 28 December aiming to ensure protection of rights of the…

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Train Campagin of We CAN alliance to End Domestic Violence

Change Makers from different districts of the country started a Train Campaign and gathered in Dhaka on December 11 organized by YPSA and We CAN alliance to End Domestic Violence

Kobi Gan staged to mark the International Volunteer Day

YPSA-We Can project staged Kobi Gan, a Bengali traditional musical program, to mark the International Volunteer Day 2010 on December 5 at Banshkhali Upazila. Theme of this year was “Volunteering…

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Domestic violence can obstruct mental growth of children

Alliance to End Domestic Violation and YPSA jointly arranged a writing competition of Wall Newspaper themed on “Domestic violence can obstruct mental growth of children” at the Sitakund Girls High…

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Girl Domestic Workers

Project Sharing Workshop with the Employers of the Girl Domestic Workers

YPSA organized Project Sharing Workshop for the employers of the Girl Domestic Workers at ‘Anandalok’ Mehedibag Centre, Chittagong on 14 October. “The Project of Safer Life Girl Domestic Workers” supported…

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Seminar on “Women’s Day and Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspective” held

“Male domination and subordination of women are the underlying tenants of the country’s social structure. Men have the economic control and therefore are the decision makers. Women’s lives are dominated…

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Chagemakers Assembly

Chittagong Change Makers Convention 2010′ held

Paribarik Nirjaton Protirodh Jote (Alliance to End Domestic Violence against Women) and YPSA jointly organized Change Makers Convention 2010′ at Sitakund on 9 March. Abdullah Al Baker Bhuiyan, Chairman of…

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Direct election should be arranged for the reserved seats for women

Direct election should be arranged for the reserved seats for women at the national parliament. Government should undertake necessary measures to execute the CEDAW to end discrimination against women in all forms….

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