News Category: Human Trafficking

Collaborative counter-trafficking awareness needs to combat human trafficking
“Human trafficking is serious crime against humanity. Several trafficking agents are transporting Bangladeshi people to Malaysia, with false promises of work, through the Cox’sbazar sea route. Most of the victims…

YPSA official selected to join International Visitors Leadership Program in USA
Md. Siraj Uddin Belal, Program Manager of YPSA has been selected for International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) on Combating Trafficking in Persons by US Department of State. This program will…

Human rights training workshop held at cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a two-day human rights training workshop at Shanta Niloy(A Shelter Home for the trafficking survivors), Cox’sbazar from 26-27 December, 2013. A total of 16 enrolled trafficking survivors from…

International Migrants Day 2013 observed
YPSA, Survivor Voice “ ANIRBAN, Cox’sbazar District Administration, Cox’sbazar District Employment & Manpower Office Jointly organized discussion meeting, information fair & documentary film show at Cox’sbazar on 18 December to…

YPSA observed Human Rights Day 2013
Survivor Voice ANIRBAN with support from YPSA organized human chain, signature campaign and quiz competition on human rights, human trafficking and safe migration in Cox’sbazar to mark the Human Rights…

23 rescued in Ctg while being trafficked to Malaysia: YPSA’s support for survivors
Police in a drive rescued 23 people while being trafficked to Malaysia in Khatiberhat area under Panchlaish police station of the city early Saturday. Shah Abdur Rauf, assistant commissioner of…

Critical engagement meeting to prevent human trafficking held at Feni
YPSA organized a Critical Engagement Meeting with the Law & Enforcement Authority, Govt. officials, Journalist & Civil Society at Feni on 22 June 2013. Representative from Police, RAB, BGB, NSI,…

Training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” held
YPSA organized capacity development training workshop on “Human Trafficking Prevention and Protection Bill 2012” and “National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking 2012-2014” at YPSA-HRDC Chittagong with the support…

USAID evaluation team visit human trafficking program at Cox’sbazar
USAID evaluation team visited YPSA’s Action for Combating Human Trafficking program at Cox’sbazar during 25-28 May 2013. Mrs. Rumana Amin, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Bangladesh Democracy & Governance Program and…

Human rights training for the trafficking survivors held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a two-day training workshop on human rights at Shanta Niloy (Shelter Home for the trafficking survivors), Cox’sbazar during 20-21 May 2013. A total of 21 trafficking survivors from…

Critical engagement meeting on human trafficking held in Cox’sbazar
YPSA with the support of Winrock International and USAID organized a Critical Engagement Meeting on human trafficking with the Law enforcement authority, Govt. officials, Journalists and Civil Society at Cox’sbazar on 29 April 2013….

Human rights training for the trafficking survivors held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a Two-day Human Rights Training workshop at Shanta Niloy (Shelter Home), Cox’sbazar during 16-17 April 2013 with the support of Winrock International and USAID. A total of 17 trafficking survivors from…

FGD for the 4th Strategic Plan of Action for combating trafficking project held
YPSA arranged FGD for the 4th Strategic Plan of Action for combating trafficking project supported by Winrock International and USAID at Cox’sbazar. 17 beneficiaries of different programs of YPSA Cox’sbazar field area participated in…
New COP of Winrock International visited YPSA Shelter Home at Cox’sbazar
New COP of Winrock International Sarah Stephens has visited Shanta Niloy (Shelter home for the trafficking survivors) at Cox’sbazar on 17 January 2013. Senior Program Manager Mrs. Suria Banu &…

RDRS team visited YPSA’s shelter home for the trafficking survivors at Cox’sbazar
RDRS Bangladesh team consist of 18 staffs led by Mr. Azam, Program Manager of RDRS, Health Program visited Shanta Niloy (YPSA’s shelter home for the trafficking survivors) at Cox’sbazar on…

Prevention of human trafficking crimes requires raising awareness through enforcing law
“Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers. Prevention of human trafficking crimes requires raising awareness through enforcing law, supporting…

YPSA observed International Migrants Day 2012 at Cox’sbazar
With the theme “We will go abroad complying with law, build our country bringing in remittances” YPSA, Cox’sbazar District Administration, Cox’sbazar District Employment & Manpower Office and Survivor Voice ANIRBAN Jointly…

YPSA observed World Human Rights Day 2012
YPSA and Survivor Voice Anirban jointly organized rally, human chain and signature campaign to mark the World Human Rights Day 2012 at Cox’sbazar on 10 December with the support of Winrock…

16 trafficking survivors received educational materials at Bandarban
YPSA provides educational materials to 16 trafficking survivors at Sarai Union, Lama Upazilla under Bandarban district on 20 October 2012 with the support of Relief International. All survivors are studying…

Life skill training workshop on human trafficking held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a 3-day life skill training workshop at Shanta Niloy (YPSA’s Shelter Home), Cox’sbazar during 25-27 September 2012 with the support of Winrock International and USAID. A total of 19 trafficking survivors…