News Category: ICT4D

Historical and impressive Moment!
For the first time in Bangladesh, YPSA with the collaboration of World Intellectual Properties Organization [WIPO], Accessible Book Consortium, Digital Accessible Information System [DAISY] Consortium and Australian Aid distributed 4th…

YPSA become winner of the International Excellence Award 2015
YPSA became winner of the Accessible Books Consortium Award for Accessible Publishing Initiative at the International Excellence Award 2015 held in London Book Fair (LBF) , United Kingdom on 14th…

Program on Access to DAISY Books held at CU
Disable Students Society of Chittagong University (DISSCU) with support from YPSA organized a program on Access to DAISY Books at University of Chittagong on April 4, 2015. About 50 visually…

3rd round of Service Innovation Fund (SIF) awarded to YPSA
3rd round of Service Innovation Fund (SIF) of Access to Information (a2i) Program under Prime Minister’s Office of the Bangladesh Government awarded to YPSA for ‘Production of accessible reading materials…

Distribution of Digital Talking Books for the visually impaired students of CU held
Disabled Students Society of Chittagong University (DISSCU) with support from YPSA organized “Distribution of Digital Talking Books for students of visually impaired farewell and reception 2015” at Chittagong University on…

ICTPD-2014A batch consist of 25 members from various countries visit YPSA
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Stockholm University and Life Academy, Sweden organize International Training Program on ICT and Pedagogical Development (ICTPD) each year. The regional workshop for the batch…

Demonstration of Digital Talking Books in front of speaker of national parliament
Mr. Ahsanullah Sarkar, Associate Program Officer of YPSA has demonstrated Digital Talking Books (DAISY) in front of Dr Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, Honorable Speaker of National Parliament, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on the…

Training workshop on “Inclusive Publishing” held for the first time in Bangladesh.
Training workshop on “Inclusive Publishing” was conducted during 15 to 17 September 2014 at the BASIS Auditorium, Dhaka. This program was conducted by the DAISY Consortium with support from WIPO…

YPSA wins The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award
YPSA won The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award under the category “Innovation on learning and localization”. The Awards Ceremony took place during the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul,…

Teacher’s Conference 2014 held in Cox’sbazar
YPSA took part in a three-day Teacher’s Conference 2014 hosted by Access to Information (a2i) Programme, under the Prime Minister’s Office in partnership with the British Council at Cox’sbazar cultural…

Service Innovation Fund awarded to YPSA
Service Innovation Fund arranged by Access to Information (A2I) Program under Prime Minister’s Office awarded to YPSA for ‘production of multimedia digital talking book’. Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program Manager, YPSA…

Training on “Empowering Youth with Disabilities through market driven ICT skills” launched
After winning the prestigious Competition named ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’, 2013, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion., Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is implementing the proposed…

Meet the press on “Involvement of Persons with disabilities (PWD) with the mainstream development through survey of PWDs”
YPSA with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh organized a meet the press on “Involvement of Persons with disabilities (PWD) with the mainstream development through survey of PWDs” at National Press…
Training opportunity: Technology for Skills and Employment for Youth with Disability
YPSA has recently won the prestigious Competition named ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’, 2013, organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion. As a consequence, YPSA is going to implement…

‘Youth Solutions!’ Empowers Youth Led NGOs in South Asia
Four innovative Youth Solutions were selected winners at the Regional Grant Competition, jointly organized by The World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka and Sarvodaya-Fusion. The competition titled ‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’…

Asia Reflect Day observed
Guliakhali and Bhuiyan Para knowledge center organized rally and discussion meeting with the support of YPSA and Actionaid Bangladesh to observe Asia Reflect Day at Sitakund on 24 April.

Secretary of Ministry of Social Welfare visited YPSA
Dr. Ranajit Kumar Biswas, Secretary, Ministry of Social Welfare visited YPSA at Sitakund on 21 September’ 2012. He distributed assistive devices to 15 Persons with disability through YPSA. He also…

Director General of Bangladesh Betar visited Radio Sagor Giri FM.99.2
Mr. Kazi Akhtar Uddin Ahmed, Director General of Bangladesh Betar, President of Community Radio Monitoring Committee, Ministry of Information visited Radio Sagor Giri FM.99.2 at Sitakund on 2 September’ 12….

Launching ceremony of Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 held
Radio Sagor Giri has started its full range of broadcasting as a community radio station with the aim of empowering rural people, accelerating community and introducing more demand for accountability….

Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 started test transmission from Sitakund , Chittagong
Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2 has already started test transmission. This is the first Government approved community radio station in Chittagong initiated by YPSA . The name of this Community Radio…