News Archive : 2022

YPSA organized Youth Champions of the Environment 2022
YPSA Center for Youth and Development (YPSA-CYD) organized “Youth Champions of the Environment 2022” to make environmental stewardship among the youth. As well as promoting their action for building environment…

MoU Signed between Swisscontact and YPSA
An organizational Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is singed between Swisscontact and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) for providing RMG workers and their Communities with access to savings and alternative…

DW Akademie provides 3-day online training on Social Media and Websites
DW Akademie arranged a 3-day online training workshop for YPSA staffs titled “Social Media and Websites: How to create and distribute your content successfully” from Germany on 21 September, 18…

YPSA organized Entrepreneurship Award Ceremony in Sitakund
Every entrepreneur comes forward by overcoming his or her family, social and many other obstacles. But if we cut short the work due to these obstacles, it will exterminate one…

YPSA observed International Volunteer Day 2022
YPSA has supported two campaigns initiated by Urban Community Volunteers of Chattogram City Corporation on the occasion of International Volunteer Day 2022. During the campaign, volunteers spread the slogan, “lets’…

CORVI Risk Profile: Chattogram City held at YPSA
The Outcome Dissemination Meeting held on CORVI Risk Profile – A Holistic City based Assessment of the Climate Risk Facing in Chattogram held at YPSA Head Office. The Climate and…

Training on Development and Implementation of Internships and Apprenticeships for Trained youth
YPSA-USAID’s Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Support (YES) Activity for Cox’s Bazar program organized a day-long training workshop on “Development and Implementation of Internships and Apprenticeships for Trained youth” in Cox’s…

Campaign on Plastic Free Karnaphuli River on International Volunteer Day’ 2022
YPSA organized a Campaign on “Plastic Free Karnaphuli River” at the Shah Amanat Bridge (Noton Bridge) in Chattogram City Corporation area, on 10 December, to mark the International Volunteer Day’…

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence celebrated in Rohingya Camps in Cox’s Bazar
16 days of Activism is the longest-running annual international campaign to end violence against women and girls and Gender-based violence. This year’s theme is: Unite! Activism to End Violence Against…

YPSA celebrated International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 2022
“International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 2022” was celebrated across the country with the theme “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption” on December 9. YPSA, an organization for sustainable development,…

Additional Managing Director of PKSF Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin visits YPSA
Additional Managing Director of PKSF Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin was present as a Chief guest in a discussion meeting YPSA Head office in Chattogram. The meeting was chaired by Founder…

Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) DAY 2022 celebrated in Chattogram
The Government of Bangladesh has established Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF), an organization under the Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance, to support the NGOs in Bangladesh. The founding anniversary of…

Sharing meeting on “Multi-Hazard Contingency Plan” held at Chattogram City Corporation
YPSA organized a sharing meeting on “Multi-Hazard Contingency Plan” with different city stakeholders, held at the Conference room of Chattogram City Corporation on 27th November 2022. The meeting was chaired…

Chief Executive of YPSA visited YPSA General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme in Rohingya Camp
Mr. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA visited YPSA GFA programme in Rohingya Camp on 17 November, 2022. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury Lopa, a prominent Educationist and Social Researcher, accompanied…

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence Inaugurated in Chattogram
The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December 2022, under the global theme set by the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE campaign:…

YPSA organized DRR Training and Fire Drill for the Rohingya Youths in the Camps, Cox’s Bazar
YPSA in association with Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) organized a two-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Community Development for Disaster Risk Reduction Management in the Rohingya Camps’ to build the…

Chief Executive of YPSA visited Education Program in Rohingya Camp
Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA visited different interventions of Education program in Rohingya Camp on 17 November’2022. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury Lopa, a prominent educationist and social researcher, accompanied…

Basile Ema Ebédé, Country Manager of GCERF visited YPSA CEVEC activities
Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé, the Country Manager (Bangladesh, Philippines, Sri Lanka) of GCERF (Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund) has visited the activities of the project named ‘Community Engagement in…

Project Start-Up and Progress Review Meeting of YPSA-IRC-GAC Project
“We should focus on institutional capacity building in every intervention, not merely on individual projects that we implement. Since our partnership with IRC (International Rescue Committee), they are providing us…

YPSA participated in the COP 27 of UNFCCC in Egypt
World leaders, climate experts, and campaigners from 130 countries gathered in Sharm El Sheikh from 6-18 November 2022 to attend the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27)…