News Category: ICT4D

Workshop on “ ICT and Accessibility For The People With Disability” held in the festival of South Asia Social Forum (SASF)
YPSA and Actionaid Bangladesh jointly organized a workshop on “ ICT and Accessibility For The People With Disability” in the festival of South Asia Social Forum (SASF), the program held on…

4th Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Community Radio held at Dhaka
Knowledge Sharing Workshop was held at Dhaka on 18-19th September 2011 at Press Institute of Bangladesh. The workshop was organized by Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) with the…

Workshop on Role of Community Radio in Disaster Risk Reduction
A workshop was held on 21 September, 2011 at Disaster Bhaban, Dhaka on the issue and strategy related to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change adaptation .The workshop was jointly organized…

Empowering Vision Impaired People through ICT Training
Visual impairment is no barrier to learning computer skills, as eight Chittagong University students are discovering. The visually impaired students are currently undertaking a six month long computer training course…

Seminar on “Disability friendly ICT: Bangladesh perspective” held
Seminar titled “Disability Friendly Information and Communication Technology: Bangladesh perspective” was organized by a non-governmental organization Jatiya Trinamul Protibondhi Sangstha in association with Disability Rights Fund on November 13 at…

Meeting on “Disable friendly Information and Communication Technology: Bangladesh Perspective” held
Jatio Trinomul Protibondhi Shanstha (National Grassroots Disability organization) with the support of Disability Rights Fund (DRF) organized meeting on “Disable friendly Information and Communication Technology: Bangladesh Perspective”on 13 Novemeber 2010…

Divisional Digital Innovation Fair 2010
YPSA was awarded for its new concept of ICT innovation Access to Information project of prime minister’s office and Divisional Commissioner’s Office Chittagong jointly organized a three-day digital innovation fair….

YPSA gratitude its officials who made contribution to obtain National e-content and ICT4D award
YPSA gratitude its officials who have made outstanding contribution to obtain two national awards at a function held at the Head Office on 17 August. Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Program…

DAISY for ALL and Ship Breaking in Bangladesh web portal received National ICT4D Award
YPSA received National e-Content and ICT4D champion Award 2010 for DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) for all in Social Inclusion and participation categories. YPSA also awarded Special Mention award For…

View exchanging session on “Role of Community Radio in development of Sitakund” held
YPSA, Community Radio Academy and BNNRC jointly organized a view exchanging meeting on “Role of Community Radio in development of Sitakund” at Sitakund Upazilla Parishad Auditorium on 3 July. Md…

Workshop on Information for people with print disabilities: Daisy for all
Bangladesh Telecentre Network (BTN) in association with Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) arranged a workshop which objective was to orient different stake holders with Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY)…

Information Fair held at Sitakund
YPSA’s ICT4D unit organized Information Fair at Sitakund Jela Parishad on 20 October with the support of Bangladesh Telecentre Network (BTN). ABM Abul Kashem Master, Member of Parliament inaugurated the…

Social Welfare Minister visited YPSA IRCD Meeting on “Digital Bangladesh and Disability”
Mr Enamul Haque Mostafa Shahid MP , Honorable Minister of Social Welfare and Director General of Social Welfare, Mr.Shitangsu Sen of Bangladesh Government visited prominent social development organization YPSA (Young…

“World Congress on ICT for Development 2009” held at Beijing, China
Mr. Vashkar, Chief of YPSA’s ICT and Resource Centre on Disabilities (IRCD) Participated “World Congress on ICT for Development 2009” held in Beijing, China during 10-12 September 2009. Mr.Vashkar is…

Mr. Taiki and Mr. Takuya from Japan and Mr. Martin from Germany, visited YPSAs YCMC
An international student team, Mr. Taiki and Mr. Takuya from Japan and Mr. Martin from Germany, visited YPSA’s Youth Community Multimedia Center (YCMC) in Sitakund under Chittagong district.

Workshop on ICT survey for the telecentre
YPSA, together with its partner NGOs jointly initiated a survey on the present scenario of Information and Communication Technology to measure the possibilities of establishment of telecentres in Chittagong. In…

Certificate Giving Ceremony for the Visually Impaired Students at Dhaka University
Certificate Giving Ceremony for the Visually Impaired Student has been organized on 16th April’09 at Senate Bhaban and Professor Dr. A. A. M. S. Arefin Siddique, Vice Chancellor, University of…

ICT training for Visually Impaired Student of Dhaka University
With a view to introducing Information Communication Technology (ICT) to the Visually Impaired student and staff in University of Dhaka a three month long training programme has been organized at…

Training on ICT at DU started again
The second batch of Computer training for visually impaired students of Dhaka University has been started since 17 January. YPSA, Sight savers International (SSI) & University of Dhaka jointly organized…

Training on ICT for Visually Impaired Student of Dhaka University
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a driving force for economic and social development, and continue to spur the globalization process. However, benefits of ICT have spread unequally, especially…