News Category: Organization

NGOs play important role in socio-economic development : BNF Managing Director
Besides government, NGOs have contributed for advancing the UN Millennium Development Goals and they will play important role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The government has established Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) to support…

HSBC visits YPSA’s Community Engagement In Environment Protection Initiatives
Abdullah Al Jubayer, Manager, Corporate Sustainability, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) has visited the YPSA-CEEPI project’s activities in Sitakund & Mirsharai Upazilla of Chittagong on July 27,…

YPSA’s Bi-AGM held
YPSA’s Bi-AGM was held on May 27, 2016 at YPSA Youth Training Centre YTC which is located at Ramu, Cox’sbazar. Mr. Shamshuddin Bhuyan Tutul, President of the YPSA’s Executive Board…

YPSA celebrated its 31 Anniversary
YPSA celebrated its 31 Anniversary on May 20, 2016. 1985 was the International Youth Year declared by the United Nations and observed around the World. YPSA was founded in 20th…

NGO Coordination Committee was formed at Sitakund Upazila
NGO Coordination Committee for Sitakund Upazila was formed during the NGO coordination meeting held on 29 February 2026 at Sitakund Upazila Office. Mr. Nazmul Islam Bhuyan, UNO of Sitakund presided…

Workshop on Governance and Sustainable Development: Bangladesh Perspectives held
Workshop on Governance and Sustainable Development: Bangladesh Perspectives held at YPSA Head Office Chittagong on 20 February 2016. Key speaker was Professor Dr. Hasanuzzaman Chowdhury, Department of Political Science, University…

Training on Conflict Transformation held in Cox’sbazar
YPSA have completed 1st phase of Conflict Transformation Training at Sadar, Cox’s Bazar during 9-11 February, 2016. Total 20 participants including local political leaders, labour leaders, representatives from civil society, local youth…

Vashkar Bhattacharjee of YPSA joint GAATES as Board Member
Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Head of the ICT and Resource Centre on Disabilities (IRCD) of YPSA and National Consultant on Web Accessibility, Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Prime Minister’s Office of…

AGM and Executive Committee Election of ADAB held
Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee Election of ADAB, a coordination body of NGOs in Bangladesh, was held on 23 January 2016 at the CBCB Centre, Mohammadpur Dhaka. Ms Rokeya…

15 students of 11 countries from Architectural Association (AA), School of Architecture, UK visit YPSA
15 Students of 11 countries from Architectural Association (AA), School of Architecture which is the UK’s oldest and only remaining private educational institute of architecture visited YPSA’s different social development…

MOU signed between YPSA and Global Health Institute of North South University
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established between YPSA and Global Health Institute (GHI) of North South University (NSU) at the Dean Office of the School of Health and Life Sciences, NSU,…

Bangladesh NGO Foundation day 2015 observed
NGOs working in Chittagong organized a discussion meeting on “Bangladesh NGO Foundation day 2015” at YPSA Head Office on 2, December. Deputy Directior of Social Welfare department (Chittagong) Ms. Bandana…

NGOs express gratitude to Mezbah Uddin for selecting as best Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong division
“NGOs have played a vital role to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Extensive development of a country is not possible by the government alone. Besides government, NGOs in Bangladesh has…

USAID representatives visit YPSA
USAID representatives have visited YPSA on 8 November 2015. The USAID team includes Ms. Rumana Amin, Ms. Emelda S Mullick and Ms. Muntaka Jabeen. They attend a sharing meeting at…

Regional Director of HealthBridge visits YPSA
Ms. Debra Efroymson, Regional Director of HealthBridge has visited YPSA on 5 November 2015 at YPSA Head Office. HealthBridge is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. It has programs in three countries Bangladesh, India and…

The new issue of YPSA Journal ‘Social Change’ launched
The new issue Social Change, a development Journal of YPSA has been opened by a launching ceremony on 15th October, 2015 at YPSA Head Office. Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque, Professor, Department…

Director of NGO Bureau visits YPSA Youth Training Center at Ramu
Dr. Md. Helal Uddin, Director, NGO Bureau, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh made a visit to YPSA Youth Training Center at Ramu in Cox’s bazaar on 9th October 2015….

YPSA celebrated its 30th anniversary
YPSA celebrated its 30th anniversary at YPSA Head Office Chittagong on May 20, 2015. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Director (SD), Mr. Palash Chowdhury, Director (Finance), Md….

Staff induction meeting for new project held
YPSA has started implementing a new project YPSA-EU-SRHR (Creating and enabling environment for young people to claim and access their sexual and reproductive health rights in Bangladesh) at Panchari Upazilla…

YPSA become winner of the International Excellence Award 2015
YPSA became winner of the Accessible Books Consortium Award for Accessible Publishing Initiative at the International Excellence Award 2015 held in London Book Fair (LBF) , United Kingdom on 14th…