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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Youth

Professor Gowher Rizvi, International Affairs adviser to the prime minister of Bangladesh was present as chief guest

YPSA participates in “Youth Conference 2018: Bangladesh and Agenda 2030 – Aspirations of the Youth”

Including YPSA, 80 non-government and private sector organizations jointly organized a youth conference under the banner of Citizen’s Platform for SDGs. Professor Gowher Rizvi, International Affairs adviser to the prime…

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validation workshop titled “Situation Analysis on Economic Opportunities for Youth at Chittagong City Corporation”

Validation workshop on Situation Analysis on Economic Opportunities for Youth

A validation workshop titled “Situation Analysis on Economic Opportunities for Youth at Chittagong City Corporation” jointly organized by YPSA, BITA and Actionaid on 25th September 2018 at a Hotel in…

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YPSA celebrates International Day of Peace 2018

YPSA, with the support of ActionAid Bangladesh, has been implementing “Action for Impact” project which aims ensuring women’s rights, child rights, preventing domestic violence, child marriage improving   youth skills as…

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YPSA Youth Festival 2018

Youth Festival 2018 held in Khagrachari

“Young people themselves have created different types of awareness posters and Wall magazines which promote things to do during adolescence, prevention of eve-teasing and early marriage. Such posters and wall…

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Tobacco free Cox’s Bazar: It’s our commitment – Youth initiates Beach Campaign at Cox’s Bazar

YPSA has been working to establish a model of Tobacco Free City in Cox’s Bazar. The longest beach of the world Cox’s Bazar is the largest tourist spot in Bangladesh….

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YPSA celebrates International Youth Day 2018

YPSA celebrates International Youth Day 2018

YPSA with the joint efforts of government, NGOs, educational Institutions, community people and youth organized different events to mark the International Youth Day 2018 in Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar on…

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Bangladesh Teenager Conference YPSA PKSF

Bangladesh Kishor-Kishori Convention 2018 – Chittagong District held

The current generation should be directed and prepared in a way to make them fit for good leadership in order to build a future Bangladesh which would be beautiful, prosperous…

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Shaimum Sarwar Kamal, honorable Member of Parliament of Cox’s Bazar inaugurated the Job Fair

Job Fair held in Cox’s Bazar

YPSA, Hope’87 Bangladesh and Cox’s Bazar Chamber of Commerce and Industries jointly organized Job Fair 2018 at Renowned Hotel of Cox’s Bazar on 15 May, 2018 which was supported by…

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Mansur Ahmed Chaudhary handovers smartphone to a visually challenged woman student

Talking Smartphone distribution and orientation to visually challenged students

Visually Impaired People’s Society (VIPS) in association with YPSA has distributed Talking Smartphone among visually impaired students. An Orientation on the use of talking smartphone and phone distribution program was…

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YPSA distributed Smart phone among visually impaired women students

Smart phone distribution among visually impaired women students

YPSA, an organization for sustainable development, has distributed smart phones among 40 visually impaired women students from different educational institutions of Dhaka. YPSA has already provided smart phones among 200 visually…

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Before game started 1

“Late Freedom fighter A.K.M. Mafizur Rahman Memorial Football Tournament” ended

YPSA, with the support of the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and Upazila Sports Association Sitakund, has arranged a football competition titled “Late Freedom fighter A.K.M. Mafizur Rahman Memorial Football Tournament”…

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Senior Officials of GCERF visits YPSA CEVEC Project activities at Cox’s Bazar

Senior officials from GCERF visit YPSA CEVEC Project activities at Cox’s Bazar

Two high officials from Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) visited  YPSA CEVEC Consortium activities at different places of Ukhiya and Cox’s Bazar on 15 March, 2018. YPSA Consortium…

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group photo

YES Center organized Disaster Risk Reduction training for the school students

YES Center – Youth Empowerment Through Skills Project run by YPSA and Hope87 Bangladesh Consortium, organized a three-day long training workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction for the school students at Ramu…

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Group photo with the participants

Orientation on Tobacco free Cox’s Bazar city for Youth Leaders held

An orientation workshop on Tobacco Free Cox’s Bazar City with youth leaders held on 28th October at YPSA office, Cox’s Bazar. The objective of the orientation is to motivate the…

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Teachers Training on Sexual and Reproductive Health held in Khagrachari

Lessons on adolescent sexual and reproductive health are present in the secondary school curriculum in Bangladesh, disseminated in different subjects for 6-10 grade students, but teachers are not willing or…

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writing workshop held in Sitakund

Writing workshop for school students held in Sitakund

A Two-day writing workshop was organized at YPSA Human Resources Development Centre at Sitakund on 18-19 October 2017, under the YPSA Cultural & Sports Program with the support of PKSF….

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training workshop titled “Self-realization, leadership development and determination of responsibility of youth”

Training on “Self-realization, leadership development and determination of responsibility of youth” held

A two-day training workshop titled “Self-realization, leadership development and determination of responsibility of youth” was held.    This training program is being organized to engage youth in social development programs and…

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Extempore speech competition

Creative and mindful exercise can enhance morale and physical ability of youth

Extempore speech competition, poem recital competition, general knowledge quiz, drawing and handwriting competition were organized for the students of Sitakund Government Model High School on 21 September 2017, under the…

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Life Skills Training in YES CENTER, Ramu, Cox's Bazar by YPSA

Life Skills Training held at YES CENTER, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar

A three-day Life Skills Training workshop organized by YPSA and HOPE’87 Bangladesh at YES CENTER, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar with the support of ESPRIT and YOU foundation from the 12th to 14th of…

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Group photo

ToT on Life Skill Education held at Chakaria

A tree-day ToT (Training of Trainers) workshop on Life Skill Education (LSE) to eliminate violent extremism was held at ICCDR,B  Hall room at Chakaria under Cox’sBazar District. Students of different…

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