News Category: Human Rights

3rd round of Service Innovation Fund (SIF) awarded to YPSA
3rd round of Service Innovation Fund (SIF) of Access to Information (a2i) Program under Prime Minister’s Office of the Bangladesh Government awarded to YPSA for ‘Production of accessible reading materials…

Distribution of Digital Talking Books for the visually impaired students of CU held
Disabled Students Society of Chittagong University (DISSCU) with support from YPSA organized “Distribution of Digital Talking Books for students of visually impaired farewell and reception 2015” at Chittagong University on…

Monthly staff meeting of YPSA CLS Project
Monthly staff meeting of “Community Legal Services for Access to Justice(CLS)” project held on 28 January 2015 at YPSA Head Office. YPSA Director (Social Development Program) and Focal Person of…

Court yard meeting and Bazar meeting on “Community Legal Services for Access to Justice” held
BLAST-YPSA Consortium is implementing a project titled “Community Legal Services for Access to Justice” with the support of Community Legal Services (CLS), Maxwell Stamp PLC and UKAID. The consortium organized…

Life skill training workshop for the trafficking survivors held at Cox’sbazar
YPSA organized a three-day Life Skill Training for the male trafficking survivors at Cox’sbazar Youth Training Centre from 19 -21 January 2015. A total of 23 trafficking survivors from different…

Democratization needed for the national budget formulation process and tax system
“More democratization of the national budget formulation process and tax systems through ensuring participation of common people is essential for good governance. Government should take opinions from common people in formulating…

10th Chittagong divisional disability sports competition and disability fair 2014 held
For nurturing the mind, body and spirit of people with disability through sports and recreation, Jatiya Protibondhi Krira Samity and Chittagong Society for The Disabled (CSD) jointly organized 10th Chittagong…

Jesmin Akter of YPSA honored as “Joyeeta Woman”
Ms. Jesmin AKter, Program Officer of YPSA’s Leadership Development Program has been honored as “Joyeeta Woman” for her 20 years outstanding contribution on social development and human rights, in an…

ICTPD-2014A batch consist of 25 members from various countries visit YPSA
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Stockholm University and Life Academy, Sweden organize International Training Program on ICT and Pedagogical Development (ICTPD) each year. The regional workshop for the batch…

Sharing Meeting on”Safer Life of Girl Domestic Workers & Involvement of Chittagong of City Corporation” held
“Govt. has taken steps for re-enrollment of the drop out students who have previously left school. So the girl domestic workers are not out of the plan. As a counselor…

Press conference on Stop Violence, Build a Peaceful Nation
“Bangladesh is an independent democratic country with multi-languages, multi-religions and multi-communities. For a long time we’ve been living with peace and harmony. Before and after every national election even local…

Challenged people being involved in mainstream development: Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed
Commerce Minister Mr. Tofail Ahmed said the government has attached highest priority to mainstreaming the challenged people through making them efficient workforce for ensuring inclusive development in the country. “Like…

7th annual convention of self-help organization of persons with disabilities held
7th annual convention of Self-help Organization of Persons with Disabilities was held with the support of Actionaid Bangladesh at YPSA HRDC Sitakund Campus on 22 October 2014. About 500 representatives…

International Day of the Girl Child 2014 observed
With the theme “Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the Cycle of Violence” YPSA observed International Day of the Girl Child 2014 in recognition of the importance of investing in and empowering adolescent girls…

Demonstration of Digital Talking Books in front of speaker of national parliament
Mr. Ahsanullah Sarkar, Associate Program Officer of YPSA has demonstrated Digital Talking Books (DAISY) in front of Dr Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, Honorable Speaker of National Parliament, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on the…

Training workshop on “Inclusive Publishing” held for the first time in Bangladesh.
Training workshop on “Inclusive Publishing” was conducted during 15 to 17 September 2014 at the BASIS Auditorium, Dhaka. This program was conducted by the DAISY Consortium with support from WIPO…

YPSA receives Certificate of Appreciation from USAID and Winrock International
YPSA receives certificate of appreciation from USAID and Winrock International to successfully finish Survivors Care & Support (SS) activities as a partner of Actions for Combating Trafficking in Persons (ACT)…

YPSA wins The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award
YPSA won The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) Award under the category “Innovation on learning and localization”. The Awards Ceremony took place during the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul,…

YPSA distributed sewing machines among the underprivileged rural women
YPSA distributed sewing machines to the fifteen underprivileged rural women who have been given a sewing training course at Banskhali aimed to make them self-reliant through income generating activities. Mostafizur…

Deputy Managing Director of PKSF visits YPSA
Deputy Managing Director Md. Fazlul Kader and Deputy General Manger Md. Abdul Matin of PKSF visited YPSA during 5-7 August, 2014. On the first day, they exchanged views with the…