News Category: Rohingya Response Program

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence celebrated in Rohingya Camps in Cox’s Bazar
16 days of Activism is the longest-running annual international campaign to end violence against women and girls and Gender-based violence. This year’s theme is: Unite! Activism to End Violence Against…

Chief Executive of YPSA visited YPSA General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme in Rohingya Camp
Mr. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA visited YPSA GFA programme in Rohingya Camp on 17 November, 2022. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury Lopa, a prominent Educationist and Social Researcher, accompanied…

YPSA organized DRR Training and Fire Drill for the Rohingya Youths in the Camps, Cox’s Bazar
YPSA in association with Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) organized a two-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Community Development for Disaster Risk Reduction Management in the Rohingya Camps’ to build the…

Chief Executive of YPSA visited Education Program in Rohingya Camp
Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive, YPSA visited different interventions of Education program in Rohingya Camp on 17 November’2022. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Chowdhury Lopa, a prominent educationist and social researcher, accompanied…

Project Start-Up and Progress Review Meeting of YPSA-IRC-GAC Project
“We should focus on institutional capacity building in every intervention, not merely on individual projects that we implement. Since our partnership with IRC (International Rescue Committee), they are providing us…

YPSA distributed Start-up kits/Materials for “Education Cannot Wait” Project at Rohingya Camps and Host community
YPSA has been implementing the project “ECW-MYRP-II” (Education Cannot Wait) Project both in the Rohingya Camp and Host Communities with the financial support from Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and technical…

DG of NGO Affairs Bureau Tariqul Islam visits YPSA in Cox’s Bazar
Director General (Grade-1) of NGO Affairs Bureau of the Prime Minister’s Office K. M. Tariqul Islam has visited different social development activities of YPSA in Cox’s Bazar on 29 October’…

Afforestation in Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar – Media coverage
The hill forest of Cox’s Bazar, which was destroyed due to the Rohingya camp, has become green again. The government took the initiative of afforestation to bring back the environment…

17 Cows distributed among Rohingya (FDMN) families at Bhasan Char
17 Cows were distributed among Forcefully Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) families at Bhasan Char camp on 19 July, 2022, under “Bangladesh Qurbani Project 2022” funded by Muslim Aid-UK and Muslim Aid…

YPSA’s participation in Welcome Reception for delegation of Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS
A high-level delegation of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS visited Cox’s Bazar last week. They met Government Officials, INGO/LNGO Officials and talked to the local people of…

YPSA Chief Executive visited YPSA General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme at Cox’s Bazar
Chief Executive of YPSA visited YPSA General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme activity at different camps at Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh on 13 June 2022. Mr. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive…

Signing ceremony of partnership agreement between YPSA and International Rescue Committee (IRC)
A signing ceremony of partnership agreement between the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) was held on 9 June, 2022, at the meeting room of YPSA…

YPSA with Muslim Aid UK start food distribution project for FDMN (Displaced Rohingyas) in Bhasan Char
A project inception meeting of “Food Distribution Project for Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) in Bhasan Char, Noakhali District, Bangladesh-2022” funded by Muslim Aid UK, Supported by Muslim Aid UK…

Inception Meeting on YPSA-Integrated SRH and SGBV Service Delivery Project
YPSA organized inception meeting of the project titled, “Integrated SRH and SGBV Service Delivery for Rohingya Refugees in Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh” at the Ukhiya Upazila Conference Room, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar…

YPSA with WFP starts GFA Program on the New Year Eve of 2022!
On the advent of Year 2022, YPSA in association with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) started “General Food Assistance Program” at Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Earlier YPSA had…

US Ambassador Earl R. Miller visited YPSA’s Rohingya Response Program in Cox’s Bazar
The USA Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R. Miller visited YPSA’s Education In Emergency (EIE) activities under Rohingya Response Program supported by Save the Children, in Cox’s Bazar on September 19,…

World Refugee Day : Dignified and sustainable repatriation of Rohingyas is ultimate solution
International actors must redouble their effort to put pressure on the Myanmar government to ensure a dignified and sustainable repatriation which is the ultimate solution to the Rohingya crisis. Speakers…

Country Director of Save the Children visited YPSA in Ukhiya
Mr. Onno van Manen, the Country Director, Save the Children visited activities of YPSA-EiE Project in Rohingya Camp#18, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh on 10th November 2020. He appreciated the strategies…

Camp Majhi Orientation on Social Cohesion held at Rohingya Camp in Ukhiya
YPSA organized orientation on Social Cohesion for the Camp Majhi of forcefully displaced Myanmar nationals (Rohingya) on 13 October 2020 at Camp In-charge Office of Camp 11, Balukhali, Ukhiya, Cox’s…

YPSA celebrated ‘International Day of Older Persons’ at Rohingya camps in Ukhiya
“International Day of Older Persons’2020” was celebrated at YPSA Age Friendly Space (AFS-02 & 03), Camp-11 & 12, Balukhali; AFS-05, Camp-13, Burmapara, Palongkhali, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar and at AFS-08 &…