News Category: Disability Rights

Workshop on Addressing Challenges and Making Meaningful Interventions in Financial Inclusion
a2i program under ICT Division of Government of Bangladesh, UNCDF and MSC jointly organized a workshop on “Addressing Challenges and Making Meaningful Interventions in Financial Inclusion” the at BRAC Centre…

Disability Help Desk will be set up at each police station : Additional Superintendent of Cox’s Bazar Police
“People with disabilities are not a burden on society. If they get some supports, they will move forward. Disability Help Desk will be set up at each police station” said…

Inception Workshop of WISH2ACTION project held at Sitakund
YPSA organized an Inception Workshop for the WISH2ACTION project with the support of Handicap International, at the Upazila Parishad Auditorium, Sitakund, Chattogram on 16 September. Upazila Nirbabahi Officer (UNO) of…

Partnership agreement between YPSA and ADD International Bangladesh
ADD International Bangladesh and Young Power in Social Acton (YPSA) has signed a partnership agreement under Inclusion Works Project funded by UKAid. YPSA will be implementing activities under this project…

Workshop on Cluster Management Committee Formation held in Sitakund
Workshop on Cluster Management Committee Formation was held on 29 August 2019 at Freedom Fighter AKM Mafizur Rahman Auditorium of YPSA HRDC at Sitakunda Upazila under Chattogram District. The workshop…

Women with disabilities are getting market driven ICT training at YPSA-IRCD
20 women with disabilities are getting market driven ICT training at YPSA-IRCD since March 2019 under the project, Empowering women with disabilities through market driven ICT training and accessible information…

Workshop on SRHR for women with disabilities held
A workshop on content selection with identification of problems on Sexual and Reproductive health Rights (SRHR) under the project “Empowering women with disabilities through market driven ICT training and accessible…

Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Julia Niblett visits YPSA
Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Her Excellency H.E. Julia Niblett visited YPSA’s ICT & Resource Center on Disability (IRCD) in Chattogram on 21 January. Ms. Jane Hardy, Second Secretary and Mr. Nahil…

University of Chittagong inaugurated the first Accessible E-learning Center in Bangladesh
Professor Dr. Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury, Vice-Chancellor of University of Chittagong, has inaugurated a modern technology-rich “Accessible E-learning Center” for the 150 visually impaired students studying at the University of Chittagong….

ইউনেসকোর পুরস্কার পেলেন ইপসা’র ভাস্কর ভট্টাচার্য
উনেসকোর “আমির জাবের আল আহম্মাদ আল জাবের আল সাবাহ” পুরস্কারে ভূষিত হলেন বাংলাদেশের ভাস্কর ভট্টাচার্য। গত ৩ ডিসেম্বর ফ্রান্সের প্যারিসে ইউনেসকো সদর দপ্তরে ‘ডিজিটাল এমপাওয়ারমেন্ট অব পারসনস উইথ ডিজঅ্যাবিলিটিস’…

Disability rights advocate Vashkar Bhattacharjee of YPSA from Bangladesh gets UNESCO award
Disability rights advocate Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee of YPSA Bangladesh has been awarded UNESCO/Emir Al Ahmad al Jaber Prize for Digital Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 2018 at UNESCO, Paris, France…

YPSA celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018
YPSA has celebrated 27th International and 20th National Day of Persons with Disabilities at different places at Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar district. Colorful rally and discussion meeting were arranged to mark the…

World White Cane Safety Day 2018 observed at Sitakund
YPSA and Federation of DPOs Sitakund organized rally and discussion meeting on “World White Cane Safety Day 18” at YPSA Human Resources Development Centre Sitakund on 15 October 2018 with…

Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner visits YPSA’s Rohingya Humanitarian Response Program
“The honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh has earned a reputation as a symbol of world humanity by temporarily providing asylum to the hundreds of thousands of displaced Myanmar nationals who…

Innovation Policy Specialist of UNDP focused YPSA’s innovation
The UK Government co-hosted the first ever Global Disability Summit with the International Disability Alliance and the Government of Kenya in London on 24 July, 2018. Innovation Policy Specialist of UNDP Mr….

Talking Smartphone distribution and orientation to visually challenged students
Visually Impaired People’s Society (VIPS) in association with YPSA has distributed Talking Smartphone among visually impaired students. An Orientation on the use of talking smartphone and phone distribution program was…

Smart phone distribution among visually impaired women students
YPSA, an organization for sustainable development, has distributed smart phones among 40 visually impaired women students from different educational institutions of Dhaka. YPSA has already provided smart phones among 200 visually…

Workshop on “Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Child Protection policy”
YPSA organized a workshop on the Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Child Protection policy” at YPSA HRDC- Chittagong on 27 February 2018 with the support of…

Chief Executive of YPSA join DBC News live program on International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Is the “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” only limited to celebration? How much responsible the government is and how much responsible all the citizens are for improving the…

YPSA official attended twelfth annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva
YPSA official Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee attended the twelfth annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), representing his organizations / / , and also as one of…