News Category: Human Rights

Community Tree Plantation program held at Sitakund
YPSA arranged a Community Tree Plantation program on 6th July at the Hasnabad Government Primary School in Sitakund under the project “Protect Environment through Women Entrepreneurship Development program” supported by…

Prof Dr.Hafiz T.A. Khan visits YPSA
Professor Dr. Hafiz TA Khan, International Adviser of YPSA, recently has visited YPSA’s different project sites in Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar. He observed and participated in the different YPSA’sprograms with…

Workshop on SRHR for women with disabilities held
A workshop on content selection with identification of problems on Sexual and Reproductive health Rights (SRHR) under the project “Empowering women with disabilities through market driven ICT training and accessible…

Only collective actions of migration related organizations can facilitate safe, orderly and regular Labour Migration
For strengthening the coordination between the service providers and service receivers of migration actors, YPSA organized a stakeholders meeting at DEMO (District Employment and Manpower Office), Chattogram on 31 March…

Australian High Commissioner and GCERF team visited YPSA CEVEC Consortium activities in Cox’s Bazar
Her Excellency Ms. Julia Niblett, Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh; Mr. Paul Foley, Board Member, Australia’s Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism and high level officials from Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund…

YPSA organized a Coordination Meeting of PROKAS-Labour Migration Partners in Chattogram
A Coordination Meeting among the PROKAS (Promoting Knowledge for Accountable System) and Fairer Labour Migration (FLM) partners was accomplished on 11-12 March 2019 which was organized by YPSA at Chattogram….

Orientation on Prevention and Suppress of Human Trafficking Act, 2012 held at Cox’s Bazar
Under ‘Initiatives to Prevent Human Trafficking in Emergency Response project’, YPSA organized “Orientation on Prevention and Suppress of Human Trafficking Act, 2012 with the Camp-In-Charge (CIC)” at Long Beach Hotel,…

Orientation on “The Prevention and suppression of Human Trafficking Act, 2012” for law enforcement agencies held at Teknaf
For the law enforcement agencies (LEA),YPSA organized an orientation on ‘ The Prevention and suppression of Human Trafficking Act, 2012’ at Hall Room, Teknaf Upazila, Cox’s Bazar on 14th February,…

YPSA distributes blanket and allowance among elderly people in Sandwip
YPSA distributed 200 warm blankets and Elderly People Allowance to 150 elderly people at Sandwip Powrashva and Musapur Union of Sandwip Upazila with the support of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). On…

Joint Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs Jahangir Alam visits YPSA in Cox’s Bazar
Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Joint secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Bangladesh visited YPSA-Counter trafficking in Persons (BC/TIP) Program in Cox’s Bazar on February 02. Other senior…

Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Julia Niblett visits YPSA
Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Her Excellency H.E. Julia Niblett visited YPSA’s ICT & Resource Center on Disability (IRCD) in Chattogram on 21 January. Ms. Jane Hardy, Second Secretary and Mr. Nahil…

YPSA distributes 100 warm blankets to elderly people in Sitakund
YPSA distributed 100 warm blankets to 100 elderly people at Sayedpur Union of Sitakund Upazila on 17 January 2019. YPSA has been working for the elderly person with the support…

University of Chittagong inaugurated the first Accessible E-learning Center in Bangladesh
Professor Dr. Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury, Vice-Chancellor of University of Chittagong, has inaugurated a modern technology-rich “Accessible E-learning Center” for the 150 visually impaired students studying at the University of Chittagong….

YPSA Called the Rights of Marginalized Migrants at Global Forum on Migration (PGA) in Marrakech, Morocco
YPSA has participated the world great summit of migration development and human rights as called PGA (People Global Action) which was followed by United Nations. The PGA constitutes an important…

ইউনেসকোর পুরস্কার পেলেন ইপসা’র ভাস্কর ভট্টাচার্য
উনেসকোর “আমির জাবের আল আহম্মাদ আল জাবের আল সাবাহ” পুরস্কারে ভূষিত হলেন বাংলাদেশের ভাস্কর ভট্টাচার্য। গত ৩ ডিসেম্বর ফ্রান্সের প্যারিসে ইউনেসকো সদর দপ্তরে ‘ডিজিটাল এমপাওয়ারমেন্ট অব পারসনস উইথ ডিজঅ্যাবিলিটিস’…

Staff Capacity Development and Refresher Training held at Cox’sBazar
YPSA has arranged “Staff Capacity Development and Refresher Training” for the Multi-Purpose Women’s Centre (MPWC) under the project “Humanitarian Assistance to the Most Vulnerable Rohingya Women and Girls” supported by…

YPSA receives best migration services organization-2018 award
YPSA has been awarded the best migration services organization-2018 in Chittagong as recognition of making mass awareness on safe migration through its different project interventions. On the International Migrants Day…

YPSA observes the International Migrants Day’ 2018
Migration draws increasing attention in the world nowadays. Considering the importance of migrant’s rights, International Migrants day has been celebrating on 18 December since 2000 in accordance with Resolution 55/93…

US Ambassador Earl Robert Miller and USAID Mission Director Derrick S Brown visits YPSA in Cox’s Bazar
The newly-appointed US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl Robert Miller and USAID Bangladesh Mission Director Derrick S Brown visited YPSA’s intervention of Counter trafficking in- persons program (BCTIP) in Cox’s Bazar…

Disability rights advocate Vashkar Bhattacharjee of YPSA from Bangladesh gets UNESCO award
Disability rights advocate Mr. Vashkar Bhattacharjee of YPSA Bangladesh has been awarded UNESCO/Emir Al Ahmad al Jaber Prize for Digital Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 2018 at UNESCO, Paris, France…