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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: Youth

YPSA Kishore Kishori Club Upazila conference held in Sitakund

YPSA Kishore Kishori Club Upazila conference held in Sitakund

Sitakund Upazila Conference Sports and Cultural Competition and Prize Distribution was held with the members of Kishore Kishori Club under YPSA adolescent program on Thursday, June 15, 2023, organized by…

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YPSA Chief Executive Inauguration of USAID’s YouthRISE Activity of YPSA at Host Community (Teknaf) in Cox’s Bazar District

YPSA Chief Executive Inaugurated USAID’s YouthRISE Activity at Host Community in Teknaf

YPSA Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman visited YPSA-USAID’s youth are Resilient, Interconnected, and Socially Cohesive and Engaged (YouthRISE) Activity Listening Group facilitation session in Hnila, Teknaf upazila On 28th May’23. …

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Launching ceremony

YPSA set up safety railing around Taltol canal at ward 4 in CCC

YPSA and Save the Children set up around 765 feet long safety railing around Taltol Canal in 4 No Chandgao Ward of Chittagong City Corporation (CCC). On 22nd May, 2023,…

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Cleanliness campaign by youth in the canal adjacent to Faridapara Taltal road

Cleanliness campaign run by youth in the city

There is no railing in the canal adjacent to Faridapara Taltal road under 4th Ward of Chattogram City Corporation. Nearby there are several schools, madrassas, mosques, various small businesses including…

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Debate and Quiz Competitions on SRH at 14 Schools in Chattogram

To normalize sexuality, create a conducive environment for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) practice to adolescent boys and girls, YPSA – Sukhi Jibon project organized debate and quiz competitions at…

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International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism

YPSA celebrated the “International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism” for the first time on 12 February 2023. It is a new UN…

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Group photo

Global Urban Lead Visits YPSA

Sarah Sabry, Global Lead-Urban and Stephanie Nicol, Program Officer of Save the Children visited YPSA from 23rd-24th January. During the visit, she explored different impact level activities YPSA has done…

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group photo

Debate Competition on Counter Trafficking Issues at Educational Institutes in Cox’s Bazar

As a part of its social movement against human trafficking, YPSA has started conducting debate competitions at the educational institutes in Cox’s Bazar under the project titled, “Prevention and Response Activities…

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Lessons Learnt and Planning Workshop on Livelihood Training for Women and Youth - YPSA

Lessons learned and Planning Workshop on Livelihood Training for Women and Youth

A Sharing and Learning Workshop among trainer, trainee and job holders took place in Beuro Bangladesh on 12th January. YPSA has organized the workshop with the support of Save the…

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Group photo of Consultation Meeting on City Master Plan

Chattogram Urban Network organized Consultation Meeting on City Master Plan

In presence of 15 different INGOs, NGOs, UN bodies, academicians, planners and urban experts, Chattogram Urban Network (CUN) has organized a consultation meeting on City Master Plan at Pitstop Restaurant…

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Group photo

YPSA organized Youth Champions of the Environment 2022

YPSA Center for Youth and Development (YPSA-CYD) organized “Youth Champions of the Environment 2022” to make environmental stewardship among the youth. As well as promoting their action for building environment…

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Blood grouping campagin

YPSA observed International Volunteer Day 2022

YPSA has supported two campaigns initiated by Urban Community Volunteers of Chattogram City Corporation on the occasion of International Volunteer Day 2022. During the campaign, volunteers spread the slogan, “lets’…

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Certificate handover to young women

Training on Development and Implementation of Internships and Apprenticeships for Trained youth

YPSA-USAID’s Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Support (YES) Activity for Cox’s Bazar program organized a day-long training workshop on “Development and Implementation of Internships and Apprenticeships for Trained youth” in Cox’s…

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YPSA observed International Volunteer Day’ 2022

Campaign on Plastic Free Karnaphuli River on International Volunteer Day’ 2022

YPSA organized a Campaign on “Plastic Free Karnaphuli River” at the Shah Amanat Bridge (Noton Bridge) in Chattogram City Corporation area, on 10 December, to mark the International Volunteer Day’…

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Fire drill 2

YPSA organized DRR Training and Fire Drill for the Rohingya Youths in the Camps, Cox’s Bazar

YPSA in association with Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) organized a two-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Community Development for Disaster Risk Reduction Management in the Rohingya Camps’ to build the…

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Basile Ema Ebede visiting home base poultry under livelihood support at Pahartoli

Basile Ema Ebédé, Country Manager of GCERF visited YPSA CEVEC activities

Mr. Basile Ema Ebédé, the Country Manager (Bangladesh, Philippines, Sri Lanka) of GCERF (Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund) has visited the activities of the project named ‘Community Engagement in…

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Speech by Arifur Rhaman

Inception Meeting of Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism held in Cox’sbazar

Inception Meeting with Stakeholders of YPSA-CEVEC Project (Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in Chattogram Division) was held on 16 November 2022 at Arunodoy School Hall Room, Cox’s Bazar. Since…

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YPSA Observed National Youth Day 2022 with Teknuf Upazila Parishad

YPSA Observed National Youth Day 2022

YPSA observed the National Youth Day-2022 on Tuesday with the aim of building ‘Sonar Bangla’ as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This year’s theme of…

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Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of YPSA delivering inaugurating speech

A 5-day ToT on Organizational Management, Leadership Development, and Club Registration Process for YPSA CEVEC Project staffs

A five-day residential Training of Trainers (ToT) for the project staffs on “Organizational Management, Leadership Development, and Club Registration Process” organized by the YPSA CEVEC project from 16th to 20th…

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educational materials distribution

YPSA distributed Start-up kits/Materials for “Education Cannot Wait” Project at Rohingya Camps and Host community

YPSA has been implementing the project “ECW-MYRP-II” (Education Cannot Wait) Project both in the Rohingya Camp and Host Communities with the financial support from Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and technical…

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