News Archive : 2023

YPSA celebrates ‘World Day against Trafficking in Persons-2023’ in Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar
With the theme “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind”, YPSA (Young Power in Social Action) in association with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and in coordination…

YPSA & East Delta University (EDU) jointly organized workshop on “Geriatric Care Needs in Bangladesh”
YPSA and East Delta University (EDU), Chattogram, Bangladesh jointly organized a workshop on “Geriatric Care Needs in Bangladesh” at the seminar room of East Delta University (EDU) on 25 July….

Director General, Directorate of Primary Education visited YPSA Education Program
Mr. Shah Rezwan Hayat, Director General (DG), Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) visited YPSA Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and Education in Emergency Project (EiE) Projects in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar…

Contract signing ceremony of Responsible Party Agreement (RPA) between the UNDP and YPSA
A contract signing ceremony of Responsible Party Agreement (RPA) between the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) for implementing “Activating Village Court in Bangladesh…

Business Development Plan handing over of YPSA Economic Development Department
Monthly coordination meeting and BDP (Business Development Plan) handing over program of YPSA Economic Development Department was held on 15 July, 2023 at the Bir Muktizoddha A.K.M Mofizur Rahman hall,…

Two Professors of Techno India University visit YPSA’s inclusive finance program
Professor Dr. Gagan Pareek and Professor Dr. Anup Kumar Ghosh from the Techno India University, West Bengal visited YPSA activities of the “Ensuring a sustainable livelihood for People with Disabilities…

Chattogram City Corporation, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd and YPSA signed MoU towards plastic circularity
Unilever Bangladesh Limited (UBL), the country’s leading Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company, signed an MoU on 22 June with Chattogram City Corporation (CCC), and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)…

District level meeting with relevant government and local government representative to mainstream PVE initiatives
A meeting titled ‘District level meeting with relevant government and local government representative to mainstream PVE initiatives through local government’ of YPSA-CEVEC Project (Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in…

YPSA led Proyash II Project Closing Workshop: Learnings and Sharing
YPSA and Save the Children held a sharing and learning workshop on Proyash II project intervention on 20th June, 2023. Chief Executive Officer of Chattogram City Corporation, Sheikh Muhammad Touhidul…

Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner emphasized awakening patriotism and values through education
Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner and Additional Secretary of Bangladesh Government Mohammad Mizanur Rahman said, patriotism and human values should be awakened through education, while he was present as chief…

Meeting with Law Enforcement Agencies in Ramu on Capacity Strengthening and Protection Systems
YPSA organized a meeting on capacity strengthening and protection systems with law enforcement agencies at Ramu Upazila Parishad, Cox’s Bazar, on June 18, 2023. The meeting was held under the…

Sanzida Akter : Youth becomes an entrepreneur and makes a difference
Sanzida Akhter lives in a village of Hnila Union of Teknaf Upazila under Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. She becomes an entrepreneur by initiating a handicraft business of making various types…

YPSA Kishore Kishori Club Upazila conference held in Sitakund
Sitakund Upazila Conference Sports and Cultural Competition and Prize Distribution was held with the members of Kishore Kishori Club under YPSA adolescent program on Thursday, June 15, 2023, organized by…

YPSA participated in the BONN Climate Change Conference (SB 58) UNFCCC in Germany
The 58th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB 58) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)…

Education in Emergency (EIE) kits for 300 Adolescent Girls & 360 ECCD Learners distributed at Rohingya Camp
YPSA distributed Education in Emergency (EIE) kits for 300 Adolescent Girls & 360 Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Learners at the Rohingya Camp 13, (Distribution Point: TDH Multi-purpose Distribution…

CCDMC Meeting organized in collaboration of CCC, YPSA and SCI
Multi Hazard Contingency plan submitted to Mayor. Chattogram City Corporation Disaster Management Committee (CCDMC) meeting for coordination and joint collaboration among committee members, Non-Govt. Development organizations, Civil society and Community…

YPSA Chief Executive Inaugurated USAID’s YouthRISE Activity at Host Community in Teknaf
YPSA Chief Executive Md. Arifur Rahman visited YPSA-USAID’s youth are Resilient, Interconnected, and Socially Cohesive and Engaged (YouthRISE) Activity Listening Group facilitation session in Hnila, Teknaf upazila On 28th May’23. …

YPSA Chief Executive visits General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme at Rohingya camps in Ukhiya
The Chief Executive of YPSA Md. Arifur Rahman visited YPSA General Food Assistance (GFA) Programme activity at different Rohingya camps at Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh on 30 May 2023. He…

YPSA Chief Executive visits field activities in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
Mr. Md. Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive of Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) made a two-day visit to observe the ongoing activities of YPSA in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar from May…

Meeting on Integrated Protection and Health Program, addressing Rohingya Refugees & Host Communities in Cox’s Bazar
A Project Quarterly Meeting took place at the YPSA HRDC-Cox’s Bazar Campus in Cox’s Bazar on May 25, 2023. The meeting centered around the “Integrated Protection and Health Program for…