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Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is an organization for sustainable development and NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

News Category: DRR & Humanitarian Response

Disaster Risk Reduction & Humanitarian Response

City Mayor in YPSA meeting

Adding extra floors without permission from CDA is not acceptable : City Mayor

“Land developer companies and land owners often add extra floors without permission while constructing multi-storied buildings. They raise additional floors by not following their approved plan from CDA. It is…

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YPSA cash distribution

More 182 families affected by Chaktai fire incident received emergency cash support

YPSA has distributed emergency cash support to 182 families affected by recent fire incident which took places at a slum in Chaktai area of Chottagram. Each family of Bhera Market…

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YPSA provides emergency cash support for the Fire Affected Family

YPSA has distributed BDT 11,500 to each of the 115 fire affected families of Roufabad area at Chattogram with the support of Save the Children and C&A foundation. The distribution…

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National Disaster Preparedness Day Observed

YPSA observed National Disaster Preparedness Day in alliance with Chattogram District Administration Office, Fire service and Civil Defense and other NGO’s of Chattogram on 10th March, 2019. YPSA facilitated Chattogram District…

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An official MoU Signed among Chattogram City Corporation, Save the Children and YPSA

To work in collaboration for urban disaster risk reduction activities, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed among the Chattogram City Corporation, Save the Children and YPSA. The signing…

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Inception meeting of South Bakaliya Ward Disaster management committee held

An inception meeting of 19 no South Bakaliya Ward Disaster management committee was held at 19 no Ward councilor’s office on 28th January, 2019 in Chattogram. YPSA (Young Power in…

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Inauguration of a T-shelter

DG of NGO Affairs Bureau Abdus Salam visits transitional shelters and deep tubewell installation in Banskhali

Director General of NGO Affairs Bureau and Additional Secretary to the Prime Minister’s Office of Bangladesh K. M. Abdus Salam; National Director of Habitat for Humanity International Bangladesh John A….

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Sholosohor Ward Disaster Management Committee (WDMC) held

An inception meeting of 7 no. West Sholosohor Ward Disaster Management Committee (WDMC) was held at 7 no. Ward councilor’s office on 17th January, 2019 in Chattogram. YPSA (Young Power…

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Multi Purpose Women's Center for displaced Rohingya opens at Ukiya

Multi-purpose Women’s Center for displaced Rohingya opens at Ukiya

If woman become economically self-reliant then they can take part in the decision-making process. Women’s participation in development activities helps women empowerment, prevents discrimination and violence against women. With the…

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Habitat for Humanity International, Korea and Bangladesh visit YPSA in Banshkhali

Habitat for Humanity International, Korea and Bangladesh delegates came to visit the construction site of T-Shelters (houses) which is implemented by YPSA at Shekherkhil in Banshkhali Upazila. Here, 42 transitional…

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Singing out against human trafficking – Rohingya Response Project

  The UN Migration Agency IOM and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) are raising awareness of the danger of human trafficking through drama and folksong at Cox’s Bazar in…

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A.Z. M. Nasir Uddin inaugurated an emergency mock drill by putting out a fire with an extinguisher

Mock drill on earthquake and fire accident simulated at Chattogram City Corporation premises

Earthquake, fire extinguishing and rescue related Mock drill was held on 30th October, 2018 at the Chattogram City Corporation premises conducted by Fire Service and Civil Defense with the help…

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YPSA observes International Day for Disaster Reduction

Chattogram District Administration organized a rally and mock drill demonstration on the occasion of International Day for Disaster Reduction at the Nasirabad Girls High School premises, Chattogram on 13th October,…

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Speech by Md. Arifur Rahman, CE at YPSA

City mayor A.Z.M. Nasir Uddin convinced to cooperate YPSA’s Urban Risk Reduction Project

YPSA arranged a project inception meeting of Proyash Phase II (an Urban Risk Reduction Project) at the K.B. Abdus Sattar Conference room of Chattogram City Corporation on 4th October 2018….

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Koli Akhter in front of her old and new house

New houses for homeless people on the coast

YPSA built 137 houses in Banskhali There is some, at least, damage to every natural disaster when it takes place in the Banskhali Upazila of South Chittagong since the Chittagong…

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Dignity Kits Distribution to a Rohingya elderly woman

Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner visits YPSA’s Rohingya Humanitarian Response Program

“The honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh has earned a reputation as a symbol of world humanity by temporarily providing asylum to the hundreds of thousands of displaced Myanmar nationals who…

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Inception Workshop of Sustainable Livelihood Project of YPSA

Inception Workshop of Sustainable Livelihood Project

YPSA organized an Inception Workshop of ‘Sustainable Livelihood Initiatives for the Host-Community People Highly Affected by Rohingya Influx in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar’ at Whykong Union Parishad Hall Room, Teknaf, Cox’s…

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Phunthi Phather Ashar arranged by YPSA

Phunthi Phather Ashar at Age Friendly Space for displaced Rohingya

Phunthi Phather Ashar (পুঁথি পাঠের আসর) is one’s performance of reading book or reciting poetry or story telling with nice melody in a traditional way on the courtyard or small stage…

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PKSF visits YPSA’s humanitarian response to displaced Rohingyas

YPSA, an organization for sustainable development, has been praising the administration and the community by implementing various social development programs in greater Chittagong since 1985. YPSA has been implementing various…

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PKSF senior team visits YPSA Age Friendly PKSF senior team visits YPSA Age Friendly Space for RUHINGA people

PKSF senior team visits YPSA Age Friendly Space for Rohingya people

Deputy General Manager (DGM) of PKSF A.H.M Abdul Kaiyum visited YPSA’s Rohingya projects at Balukhali, Ukhia, Cox’sbazar on 10 January 2018.  He visited YPSA’s Age Friendly Space and Women Friendly…

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